<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>Dear List,<br><br></div>I have a big problem in a Asterisk connected with Brazilian Telco (EMBRATEL).<br><br></div>Every received call, I have the same error:<br><br>[Aug 18 20:06:26] DEBUG[19254]: chan_dahdi.c:4119 dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 1 - Bits changed from 0x08 to 0x00<br>
[Aug 18 20:06:26] DEBUG[19254]: chan_dahdi.c:4119 dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 1 - CAS Rx << [SEIZE] 0x00<br>[Aug 18 20:06:26] DEBUG[19254]: chan_dahdi.c:4119 dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 1 - Call started at Mon Aug 18 20:06:26 2014 on chan 1 [openr2 version 1.3.2, revision (release)]<br>
[Aug 18 20:06:26] DEBUG[19254]: chan_dahdi.c:4119 dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 1 - Initialized R2 MF detector<br>[Aug 18 20:06:26] DEBUG[19254]: chan_dahdi.c:4119 dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 1 - CAS Tx >> [SEIZE ACK] 0x0C<br>
[Aug 18 20:06:26] DEBUG[19254]: chan_dahdi.c:4119 dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 1 - CAS Raw Tx >> 0x0D<br>New MFC/R2 call detected on chan 1.<br>[Aug 18 20:06:26] DEBUG[19254]: chan_dahdi.c:4119 dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 1 - Bits changed from 0x00 to 0x08<br>
[Aug 18 20:06:26] DEBUG[19254]: chan_dahdi.c:4119 dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 1 - CAS Rx << [CLEAR FORWARD] 0x08<br>Chan 1 - Far end disconnected. Reason: Normal Clearing<br>MFC/R2 call disconnected on channel 1<br>[Aug 18 20:06:26] DEBUG[19254]: chan_dahdi.c:4119 dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 1 - Call ended<br>
[Aug 18 20:06:26] DEBUG[19254]: chan_dahdi.c:4119 dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 1 - CAS Tx >> [IDLE] 0x08<br>[Aug 18 20:06:26] DEBUG[19254]: chan_dahdi.c:4119 dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 1 - CAS Raw Tx >> 0x09<br>MFC/R2 call end on channel 1<br>
<br><br><br></div>My config is:<br><br>#DAHDI : /etc/dahdi/system.conf<br>span=1,0,0,cas,hdb3<br>cas=1-10:1001<br>echocanceller=mg2,1-10<br><br></div><div>#DAHDI_SCAN <br>[1]<br>active=yes<br>alarms=OK<br>description=T2XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1<br>
name=TE2/0/1<br>manufacturer=Digium<br>devicetype=Wildcard TE220 (5th Gen) (VPMOCT064)<br>location=Board ID Switch 0<br>basechan=1<br>totchans=31<br>irq=0<br>type=digital-E1<br>syncsrc=2<br>lbo=0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)<br>
coding_opts=AMI,HDB3<br>framing_opts=CCS,CRC4<br>coding=HDB3<br>framing=CAS<br><br></div><div><br></div>#ASTERISK: /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf<br><div>context=from-pstn<br>signalling=mfcr2<br>mfcr2_variant=br<br>mfcr2_immediate_accept=yes<br>
mfcr2_charge_calls=yes<br>mfcr2_forced_release=no<br>mfcr2_call_files=yes<br>mfcr2_logdir=SPAN1<br>mfcr2_logging=all<br>channel => 1-10<br><br><br></div><div>Asterisk Version: 1.8.11-cert7 <br></div><div>OpenR2 version: 1.3.2, revision: (release)<br>
<br>mfcr2 show channels<br>Chan Variant Max ANI Max DNIS ANI First Immediate Accept Tx CAS Rx CAS<br> 1 BR 20 4 No Yes IDLE IDLE<br> 2 BR 20 4 No Yes IDLE IDLE<br>
3 BR 20 4 No Yes IDLE IDLE<br> 4 BR 20 4 No Yes IDLE IDLE<br> 5 BR 20 4 No Yes IDLE IDLE<br>
6 BR 20 4 No Yes IDLE IDLE<br> 7 BR 20 4 No Yes IDLE IDLE<br> 8 BR 20 4 No Yes IDLE IDLE<br>
9 BR 20 4 No Yes IDLE IDLE<br> 10 BR 20 4 No Yes IDLE IDLE<br><br><br><br></div><div><br></div><div>Please, if you already had this problem. Send me the possible problem.<br>
<br></div><div>I already tried too possibilities in dahdi config or in r2proto.conf. But all tests failed by the same error.<br><br></div><div>best regards,<br>Thiago Maluf.<br></div><div><br><div><br clear="all"><div><div>
<div><div><br>-- <br>----------------------------------------------------------------<br>Thiago Maluf Resende<br>Tel: +55 21 9700-9113<br>e-mail: <a href="mailto:malufrj@gmail.com" target="_blank">malufrj@gmail.com</a>