Hi !<br><br>Frequently, this error occurs in my asterisk. <br>I can't make calls, inboud ou outbound, and I need to restart asterisk, dahdi and wanrouter<br>to correct.<br><br>[Jul 26 16:03:55] WARNING[25271] chan_dahdi.c: Chan 85 - Seize Timeout Expired!<br>
[Jul 26 16:03:55] ERROR[25271] chan_dahdi.c: Chan 85 - Protocol error. Reason = Seize Timeout, R2 State = Seize Transmitted, MF state = MF Engine Off, MF Group = Forward MF init, CAS = 0x08<br>DNIS = 37275915, ANI = 0200, MF = 0x20<br>
[Jul 26 16:03:55] ERROR[25271] chan_dahdi.c: MFC/R2 protocol error on chan 85: Seize Timeout<br>[Jul 26 16:03:55] WARNING[25271] app_dial.c: Unable to forward voice or dtmf<br>[Jul 26 16:03:55] VERBOSE[25271] chan_dahdi.c: -- Hungup 'DAHDI/85-1'<br>
<br><br>Thanks for any help.<br><br>Debian 5.0 (32 bits)<br>WANPIPE Release: 3.5.6<br>DAHDI Version: 2.3.0<br>Asterisk<br>