[asterisk-r2] Incoming Calls DROPED with only 1 DNIS digit.

Arturo Ochoa arturo.era at gmail.com
Tue May 25 15:33:15 CDT 2010


I'd like to know if someone can give some ideas on what's going on in here:

[15:52:50:188] [Thread: 3077299088] [Chan 62] - M - Getting DNIS digit 0
[15:52:50:188] [Thread: 3077299088] [Chan 62] - M - DNIS so far: 6, expected
length: 5
*[15:52:50:188] [Thread: 3077299088] [Chan 62] - M - User requested us to
stop getting DNIS!*
[15:52:50:188] [Thread: 3077299088] [Chan 62] - M - MF Tx >> 6 [ON]
[15:52:50:188] [Thread: 3077299088] [Chan 62] - M - scheduled timer id 2

Openr2 1.3.0 with asterisk 1.4.31.

1 card connected to Alestra Telco
1 card connected to Ericsson PBX

Every incoming call, is recevied with only 1 DNIS digit. Doesn't matter what
number of DNIS digits I configure.

Weird thing is that this server is being running since 3 years ago, but with
the old mfcr2 release.

Any Ideas?


Ing Arturo Ochoa
Network Admin at Electrosystems
Blog: http://arturoochoa.wordpress.com
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