[asterisk-r2] Activating openr2 afterwards

Hector F. Bustillo Lopez hectorb at continental.hn
Tue Sep 29 23:43:55 CDT 2009

Got it working. What you suggested was right. Changed Makefile in channels to look for libopenr2.so.1 instead of libopenr2.so.0 but also had to MAKE and MAKE INSTALL zaptel.

I had assumed it was done when asterisk was first installed but as I found out the hard way, it was not. After getting zaptel running, reinstalle openr2 and the recompiled asterisk with the patch and correction to bug In channels/Makefile.

Thanks much.


On 9/29/09 10:33 AM, "Hector Bustillo Lopez" <hectorb at continental.hn> wrote:

Thanks much for the prompt reply.

I am using asterisk 1.2.24, zaptel and openr2-asterisk-

I just need to recompile and install asterisk with the patch in a way that openr2 is active and right now it seems that it is not being accomplished. It appears that all the folders are not being overwritten because I can see messages stating "nothing to do....." in several folders when running MAKE and MAKE INSTALL for the patched asterisk.

Basically I need a procedure to install Openr2 after the fact of using asterisk without it for a while.

Thanks in advance.


On 9/28/09 6:21 PM, "Carlos Rangel" <crangeltpmex at hotmail.com> wrote:

You need to provide more info.

What version of asterisk??
What version of zaptel or dahdi??
WHat patch did you use??

> From: hectorb at continental.hn
> To: asterisk-r2 at lists.digium.com
> Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 21:27:54 -0600
> Subject: [asterisk-r2] Activating openr2 afterwards
> Hello.
> I have been running asterisk with freepbx succesfuly for more than a year. I have the need toinstall and activate Openr2.
> I have downloaded and installed openr2 with no errors. I have also downloaded and applied the asterisk patch (1.2) and have run the two commands MAKE and MAKE INSTALL for asterisk with no errors.
> I think the new version of asterisk did not install correctly because of the following:
> [root at asterisk2 ~]# ldd channels/chan_zap.so | grep openr2
> ldd: channels/chan_zap.so: No such file or directory
> How do I recompile and install asterisk with the patch and make it active? It seems that the MAKE and MAKE INSTALL command check to see if there is a previuos installation and do not replace libraries. Am I right?
> How Do I replace asterisk only with the new patched version without affecting the the whole Freepbx installation?
> Can I make a backup and erase certain folders to make the new patched asterisk active and the restore the ettings backup?
> What should be the right procedure?
> Thanks in advance,
> Hector
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