[asterisk-r2] DTMF Setup

Alexandre Cavalcante Alencar alexandre.alencar at gmail.com
Thu Nov 27 10:17:48 CST 2008

Hi Marco,

Some old buggy PABX used to get/send ANI digits first. Try to change
mfcr2_get_ani_first to yes and test again. Yestarday, ecarruda fixed a
problem with a Digistar PABX this way (Digistar expect to send/receive ANI


On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 1:10 PM, Cordeiro, Marco <
marco.cordeiro at globalstar.com.br> wrote:

>  Hello All,
> I'm currently performing some tests related to the integration of a NEC
> NEAX PBX and an Asterisk box, with openr2 support for the E1.
> Everything is working great, except to some errors when the NEC PBX sends
> repeated digits the Asterisk.
> It doesn't happen with every call, but some of the calls the DNIS and ANI
> has repeated digits.
> Example: ANI is *525 *but is shown in Asterisk as *5225*.
>                DNIS is *32292501* but is shown in Asterisk as *32229250*
> * *
> I have already changed some configuration in the NEC PBX related to this,
> but the problem persists.
> My question is: Is there a parameter related to this issue that has to be
> set up in the chan_dahdi.conf file??
> Thanks,
> Marco
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Alexandre C Alencar (Skarmeth)
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