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<p>Hi All,</p>
<p>In ast_apply_acl (main/acl.c) there is two lines that's issuing a
LOG_WARNING when an ACL gets denied.</p>
<p>The first happens if the ACL is invalid. I'm not too worried
about this specific one, it's probably a good thing if this gets
logged always.</p>
<p>The latter, in the case of AST_SENSE_DENY is a bit problematic
for me. I've submitted patches now to use ACLs in
res_rtp_asterisk, and with large number of rejects this can
quickly spam the logs, and frankly, confuse consumers.</p>
<p>As I see it, there are two possible solutions:</p>
<p>Solution 1:<br>
<p>1. Add AST_SENSE_INVALID as a possible return.<br>
2. Rename the current function to ast_apply_acl_(silent|nolog),
and remove the logging.<br>
3. Add a replacement ast_apply_acl function which will generate
the log entries as per current.</p>
<p>Solution 2:<br>
<p>Simply don't log at all if the purpose argument is NULL.</p>
<p>Solution two is the simpler fix, but it's probably also the less
ideal one.</p>
<p>The adding of the AST_SENSE_INVALID will also mean that the
replacement function will need to rewrite AST_SENSE_INVALID =>
AST_SENSE_DENY, or we need to audit all consumers of the function
(there fortunately isn't a great many of these) and wherever
ast_apply_acl(...) == AST_SENSE_DENY is found, it should be
rewritten as ast_apply_acl(...) != AST_SENSE_ALLOW.</p>
<p>Would dearly like some opinions on the matter.<br>
<p>PS:Â The advantage for me on using ACL over HA is simply the
named ACL functionality, so in rtp.conf I can state ice_acl =
named_acl instead of having to embed the ACL into rtp.conf.<br>
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<p>Kind Regards,<br>
<span style="font-size: 24px;color: #8dc641">Jaco Kroon</span>
<span style="font-size: 16px">C.E.O.</span></p>
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