I'm running FC3 with kernel 2.6.11. <br>
All the binary files and zaptel kernel modules is not available to system at boot time. <br>
They are extracted in a ram disk at system startup and then zaptel modules are loaded manually and so on.<br>
I have no problem with this boot routine and i've been tested
all digium cards (expect tdm24) and they work fine till now. <br>
The problem appeared when i purchased the new TDM2400 card. after
installing this new card system stopped on modprobe wctdm24xxp ot boot
time! (randomly sleeping on "Resetting the modules.." / "During Resetting the modules..." and sometimes "After resetting the modules...) but no step further.<br>
Nothing happened till i killed modprobe manually so no modules detected
on tdm24. (Port 1: Not Installed, ....)<br>My motherboard is a brand new Intel 3010 chipset from
supermicro with 3.3V pci slots. i also changed the motherboard to Intel 7230
chipset with 5V slot but nothing changed. I also switched back
to zaptel-1.2.13 and removed the modules from the board and re-inserted
them as digium support recommended, but nothing changed. I also changed to 2.6.12
kernel but still the same problem.<br><br>
Finally i changed the system startup routine and copied all extracted
zaptel files to hard-disk into the standard location in kernel dirs and
found that now system starts-up with no problem and detects TDM24 at
boot time!!!<br><br>
it seemed that the problem is that the wctdm24xxp needs to be detected at boot time by the kernel. <br>
But now the problem is that when i rmmod the wctdm24xxp module and
modprobe it again still system doesn't detect it and sleeps on modprobe
utill i kill it.<br><br>
i dont have such a problem with all other cards from digium. <br>
i think this is a weird problem with wctdm24xxp driver.<br>
p. dove<br><br>