[asterisk-dev] GitHub: Side Note: What makes us "special"?

asterisk at phreaknet.org asterisk at phreaknet.org
Tue Apr 4 14:16:14 CDT 2023

On 4/4/2023 2:53 PM, George Joseph wrote:
> <snip>
> Speaking of workflows...  If you want to see the workflows and
> actions we've written so far, check out the asterisk/asterisk-gh-test (the
> .github/workflows directory) and asterisk/asterisk-ci-actions repos.   If
> you're experienced with GitHub workflows, feedback is appreciated.
Thanks, George, et al, for all this amazing work. I admit Gerrit has 
grown on me a little over the years, but other developers I've discussed 
with do prefer GitHub and I'm eager to give this a try when it's all ready.

One question from looking through some of the workflows that are up now:

I'm a bit curious about the auto-closing functionality:

  * Do you think 14-21 days is a sufficient threshold for most issues?
    It seems potentially a bit low to me. For example, once an issue is
    triaged and opened, will it just be closed automatically 3 weeks
    later if it hasn't been resolved by then? Or are issues in the
    'open' state exempt from this, this is purely for triage to weed out
    junk issues?
  * Case in point: one vendor I deal with frequently has this annoying
    auto-close functionality in their system which triggers after about
    2 weeks or so. Often more time is required on one of our ends just
    to follow up on the last thing, so there is a lot of inevitable
    "commenting to avoid auto closure" and this just adds a lot of noise
    into the tickets.
  * Is there any connection with reviews/PRs in progress? Suppose an
    issue is open and maybe on the verge of being stale, but someone has
    submitted a PR against. Changes can often take much longer than 3
    weeks to merge, so it wouldn't make sense for an issue to close
    itself in that case. So I'm concerned perhaps that might not be
    sufficient time.

I guess this will answer itself after the migration when we see how 
people interact with it, but curious if these were just defaults or if 
these were customized for the project.

Thanks again for all this heavy lifting!


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