[asterisk-dev] Problem creating Sorcery objects with yes/no attributes

George Joseph gjoseph at digium.com
Thu Feb 13 10:57:40 CST 2020

On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 2:30 AM Andres Alonso Garcia <
andres.alonso at alisys.net> wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> I'm developing a web management app that integrates with Asterisk and
> makes use of the Sorcery API to create and store PJSIP objects.
> I'm finding some issues creating objects with yes/no attributes. See the
> following example, creating an AOR with 'remove_existing=yes':
> curl -v -X PUT -u asterisk:MySuperSecretPass -H "Content-Type:
> application/json" -d '{"fields": [{"attribute": "max_contacts", "value":
> "1"}, {"attribute": "remove_existing", "value": "yes"}]}' http://
> <PBX_IP>:8088/ari/asterisk/config/dynamic/res_pjsip/aor/test_aor
> Reply from Asterisk is successful and attributes seem to be set properly:
> < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> < Server: Asterisk
> < Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2020 08:32:47 GMT
> < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
> < Content-type: application/json
> < Content-Length: 828
> <
> [
>   ...
>   {
>     "attribute": "max_contacts",
>     "value": "1"
>   },
>   ...
>   {
>     "attribute": "remove_existing",
>     "value": "true"
>   },
>   ...
> ]
> But when checking via cli for said new aor, remove_existing is false:
> Aor:  test_aor
>  ParameterName        : ParameterValue
> =====================================
> authenticate_qualify : false
> contact              :
> default_expiration   : 3600
> mailboxes            :
> max_contacts         : 1
> maximum_expiration   : 7200
> minimum_expiration   : 60
> outbound_proxy       :
> qualify_frequency    : 0
> qualify_timeout      : 3.000000
> remove_existing      : false
> support_path         : false
> voicemail_extension  :
> My current environment is:
> - CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core)
> - Asterisk 17.1.0
> - mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 5.5.64-MariaDB
> I wonder if someone has faced a similar issue. Any help would be much
> appreciated.
> Thanks for your support.

A few things to check...
Did the setting of max_contacts work?
Do both values show as correct in the backend database?
What are the sorcery.conf entries for res_pjsip/aor?

How you have caching set in sorcery.conf can affect the CLI display.

> *Andrés Alonso*
> *Ingeniero de Software I+D*
> Departamento de Tecnología
> andres.alonso at alisys.net <nombre.apellido at alisys.net>
> (+34) 984057559
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George Joseph
Asterisk Software Developer
direct/fax +1 256 428 6012
Check us out at www.sangoma.com and www.asterisk.org
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