[asterisk-dev] Adding a Key/Value Store mechanism to Asterisk

Sean Bright sean.bright at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 09:39:38 CST 2017


On 12/22/2017 7:22 AM, Nir Simionovich wrote:
>   Every, and I do mean every, Asterisk application requires a 
> key/value store of some form. Most developers will
> basically butcher (would have used stronger words, but refraining from 
> doing so) AstDB in the process, which will
> then result in a performance toll - specifically when dealing with a 
> high capacity systems.

If you are implementing high capacity systems and decided to use AstDB 
as your KV store, you're going to have a bad time. That is not the 
use-case for AstDB. AstDB is an 
used primarily by internal Asterisk modules themselves. I would say any 
use of AstDB beyond that (whether it was with BDB in the old days or 
SQLite today) and expecting high throughput is ill advised.

>   Initially, I was under the impression this should be done as a 
> sorcery module, but I'm not sure this is the
> correct approach or the required use case.

None of the Sorcery modules today implement data access themselves, they 
simply leverage one of Asterisk's existing data access providers (AstDB, 
config files, or Realtime). If you go down this path, I would suggest a 
res_redis module that provides user-facing functionality (dialplan 
functions, etc.) as well as an API for the rest of Asterisk. Then a 
res_sorcery_redis or res_sorcery_kv could be built to consume that API. 
Alternatively you could just build the Sorcery module and still provide 
the user-facing functionality from that. Either way, a Sorcery module 
should definitely be on the radar, as that is the future in terms of 

Kind regards,

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