[asterisk-dev] Asterisk handling of AVPF

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Fri Jan 24 03:16:42 CST 2014

On 23/01/14 16:15, Matthew Jordan wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 7:30 AM, Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.com.au> wrote:
>> On 03/07/13 11:39, Torrey Searle wrote:
>> Was this change accepted?
>> In 11.5 (using the Debian packages) it still appears that incoming calls are
>> rejected if they don't match the AVPF setting
>> This is quite troublesome when all calls (from WebRTC and regular clients)
>> are sent to Asterisk by a proxy and when Asterisk is matching the proxy to a
>> peer definition by looking at the source IP only.
>> The only hack-around I can think of for this is that the proxy could send
>> the AVP calls to Asterisk over a UDP transport and AVPF over TCP (assuming
>> the proxy can be configured to use different source IPs for TCP and UDP
>> respectively)
> The issue was reported as ASTERISK-22005 [1]. Torrey's patch was
> merged in r401884 [2], which you can see on the Subversion tab on the
> issue in JIRA. Because the issue was a slight behavioural change - but
> needed for interoperability - we went with merging it into 11+. Also
> on the issue, the released version is noted as 11.7.0, which is also
> reflected in that version's release summary [3].
> tl;dr: It's in 11.7.0 :-)

Great, I see 11.7 was recently uploaded to wheezy-backports for Debian
and I'm trying it out

This is now working for both AVP and AVPF callers:


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