[asterisk-dev] Outbound Call Implementation

Andre Courchesne courchea at net-forces.com
Tue Sep 27 12:42:06 CDT 2011

Why not simply use call files? Or have a small external perl script that queries your mysql table and generate call files when call request appears? I use that for dialer projects and it works great and you do not need to modify the asterisk code ;-)

Andre Courchesne - Consultant
MSN: courchea at net-forces.com
Skype: VoipForces

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The information contained in this document is confidential and property of Andre Courchesne. It shall not be used, disclosed to others or reproduced without the express written consent of Andre Courchesne.

On 2011-09-27, at 1:34 PM, Tilghman Lesher wrote:

> On Tuesday, September 27, 2011 08:46:11 AM Nick Khamis wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I am interested in the internal working of Asterisk, mainly how
>> asterisk actually makes a call. I was looking to modify the call
>> functionality to
>> query a database realtime for the call details. As is done with
>> peer/friend register, MOH etc... Out of the box, does asterisk use
>> call files to
>> make the calls? Any direction is greatly appreciated. If I am
>> successful in moving the call details to my/pgsql, I have no problem
>> sharing my
>> solution with everyone.
>> Providing "realtime call" will open a whole lot of possibilities for
>> those not wanting to use AGI, AMI etc..
> Realtime currently uses an outside request to know when to pull
> information from the database.  Realtime is not self-starting.  Keeping
> this in mind, how would Asterisk know when a new record was inserted
> asynchronously into the database, to know when to query it?  Are you
> suggesting a new thread that does nothing but query the database on
> a regular interval?  That's potentially quite a lot of CPU.
> -- 
> Tilghman
> --
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