[asterisk-dev] Fwd: Asterisk Sip Registration Hooks

Michael L. Young myoung at acsacc.com
Fri Aug 12 01:21:39 CDT 2011

> From: "Mike Myhre" <digium at aeisecure.com>
> To: "Asterisk Developers Mailing List"
> <asterisk-dev at lists.digium.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 9:51:35 PM
> Subject: Re: [asterisk-dev] Fwd: Asterisk Sip Registration Hooks

> > Like I said before, we're not going to add it to any version except
> > Asterisk 10, and in Asterisk 10 it would need to be generated as a
> > security event, not a verbose log message. If you want to provide a
> > patch for that, you'll need to use https://issues.asterisk.org/jira
> > . I also wouldn't classify it as a 'registry error'; there's
> > nothing
> > wrong with the 'registry'. It's a 'registration failure'. -- Kevin
> > P. Fleming

> I don't see anyone using the security events yet. Why would this
> require something that no one else is using (except for Michaels
> post below). Could I just be missing it in scanning the code?

If you look at main/manager.c, AMI is using the security events framework.
AMI generates security events.  Then you have res/res_security_log.c, that
acts upon the events by logging them to a file.  You can turn on the file
log by using the level of "security" in the logger.conf.

By having chan_sip generate security events, any module written for Asterisk
will be able to act upon those events in whichever way you see fit.
> I am interested to see your code (in chan_sip) when you have it done.

I have posted a patch to the issue tracker: 

The reviewboard link is listed on that issue.


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