[asterisk-dev] How to improve astdb? Any ideas?

Stefan Schmidt sst at sil.at
Mon Sep 6 03:38:32 CDT 2010

Am 06.09.2010 05:17, schrieb Mark Murawski:
>   I remember talking to some main people in #asterisk-dev about a 
> possible plan to ditch astdb and go with sqlite under the hood.  sqlite 
> is really easy to incorporate into an app and is in public domain.  It 
> can also be used completely in-memory, which will avoid the disk 
> bottlenecks you're hitting.
sqlite use fsync itself so there would be the same problem atleast. only
if you use it in-memory only but i think the berkley db (AFAIK astdb is
a berkley) is faster than sqlite.

if you run sqlite as a standalone process you wouldnt loose data if
asterisk crash but if your system goes down (power loss) you will still
loose the data.

the other problem i see with this its just moving the problem down one
level, even its possible to run sqlite on all system where asterisk is
available (i dont know) you have to make sure the user which runs
asterisk could also runs sqlite.

if you just buildin sqlite into asterisk there is still the data loss
problem if asterisk crashes.

the bottleneck is only there if you wait for the write buffers to be
written to the disk (thats what fsync does)

i think if you want to use sqlite there should also be the possibility
to use another DB. Think of sharing astdb through different servers
would be a cool solution for fallback ;)

overall this would need a change to astdb to split it up into a frontend
(astdb_put, del and deltree) which are the functions which are called
from other asterisk parts and a backend which transmit these data into
the DB structure.

best regards


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