[asterisk-dev] Need assistance: ast_frfree(f) causes asterisk to crash

Mark Michelson mmichelson at digium.com
Tue Mar 2 17:54:32 CST 2010

Artem Makhutov wrote:
> Hello,
> I need some assistance for chan_datacard.
> There is a problem that plaing back .wav audio files with Playback() 
> will crash asterisk. This problem does not exist in usual voice calls or 
> playpack of .gsm files.
> I have hunted the problem and figure out that the crash is caused by 
> ast_frfree(f):
> http://pastebin.com/xjUbWUdx
> Can some body explain me, what is going wrong here? And why does this 
> only happen when using Playback() with a .wav file?

It's hard to tell from what you have provided what is going wrong. It would be a 
good idea to provide a backtrace from a crash that you experience. Also, I would 
recommend running your test under valgrind since it can likely more clearly 
point out what the problem is. It would also be worthwhile to playback a gsm 
file with valgrind running just to be absolutely sure the same problem isn't 
happening with it.

Also, if you do provide backtraces and valgrind traces, it would be a good idea 
to specify what version of Asterisk you're developing against as well.

Mark Michelson

> Thank you, Artem

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