[asterisk-dev] ExtenSpy & ChanSpy Delay

Matt D calcop at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 13:18:03 CDT 2009

Good Morning All,

I have made some progress with my project. I installed 1.6 and seem to  
have good results with ExtenSpy and ChanSpy. However, there is issues  
with whisper.

The whisper is delayed from 15 to 18 seconds. I can hear the spied on  
channel with next to no delay. But when I whisper it takes a 15-20  
second trip to get there. I'm testing this using a softphone to a  
connection that is through a landline.

Is this delay done by design? Any tips or tricks I can do to fix this?

Btw, I have made sure all connections were using ulaw. The computer  
has more than enough processing power and memory. The Internet  
connection to handle the calls through my sip provider is more than  
enough. So it has nothing to do with processing and bandwidth.

- matt

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