[asterisk-dev] question about VoiceMail function

Tilghman Lesher tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Fri Apr 4 09:25:16 CDT 2008

On Friday 04 April 2008 02:43:41 mark morreny wrote:
> The problem is this:  After recording a greeting ( unavail, busy, or temp)
> and pressed  "1" to confirm the greeting, I can see the  corresponding
> unavail.wav,  busy.wav, or temp.wav created under the
> <...>/default/<mailbox #> dir.  Then , it gets immediately deleted.  The
> same problem  happens if I  place my own  unavil.wav, busy.wav or temp.wav
> inside the  dir.  They get deleted  automatically.
> I am wondering if Asterisk comes with any functionality to automatically
> remove those files and I may accidentally misconfigured  my Asterisk.  Is
> there anyway I can resolve this problem?

If you've configured voicemail for ODBC storage, then the reason it gets
deleted is because the file is getting stored into the database.  The file is
deleted to ensure that we don't grab a stale version of the file (for example,
if the file is altered by another Asterisk server writing to the same


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