[asterisk-dev] a few newbie questions about asterisk and voicemail code

Caio Begotti caio at ueberalles.net
Sat Sep 8 08:39:52 CDT 2007

Hi, I got some questions and doubts on how to do certain things and I  
could not figure them out on myself, so I thought it'd be okay to ask  
about it directly in the list. Here we go, and I thanks in advance  
for any pointer or URL with some sample code:

1. I see ast_set2_flag in app_voicemail.c (handling VM_ATTACH for  
example) and ast_test_flag in many other modules but I didn't  
understand if should I use some ast_get/read_flag or something to  
capture the flag value back. Actually I simply don't know if there's  
something such as ast_get/read_flag. Is there it?

2. I have a CLI command that expects for a mailbox name using  
completion. It's ok, and working but with all the possible matches I  
got a mailbox not number also. Is there some internal way to remove a  
given match from the completion list in CLI? Should I do that  
"manually", maybe?

3. Is there a way to use "ast_cli(fd, myformattype, 'Foo',  
mynumericvar);" where myformattype accepts both numeric and strings  
so I don't need to write two formats for ast_cli or optionally don't  
need to write the mynumericvar type instead of myformattype? I have a  
bunch of both strings and numeric stuff that is printed altogether,  
for instance.

I'm not sure if these questions can be answered just by quickly  
looking at the Asterisk code because I am not experienced with it  
yet :-(


Caio Begotti (caio1982)

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