No subject

Thu Jul 12 09:23:04 CDT 2007

Host API Implementations:
    src/hostapi/alsa        = Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
    src/hostapi/asihpi      = AudioScience HPI
    src/hostapi/asio        = ASIO for Windows and Macintosh
    src/hostapi/coreaudio   = Macintosh Core Audio for OS X
    src/hostapi/dsound      = Windows Direct Sound
    src/hostapi/jack        = JACK Audio Connection Kit
    src/hostapi/oss         = Unix Open Sound System (OSS)
    src/hostapi/wasapi      = Windows Vista WASAPI
    src/hostapi/wdmks       = Windows WDM Kernel Streaming
    src/hostapi/wmme        = Windows MME (most widely supported)

So, if you have a mac, and you're interested in having a console channel driver
to make calls using your laptop audio hardware, then give it a try!  I haven't
tried it on linux using ALSA or anything else, so testing with other things is
helpful as well.

You will need portaudio v19.  You can grab it from their svn if you'd like.

$ svn co

To get the branch off of Asterisk trunk, that includes this module ...

$ svn co


Russell Bryant
Senior Software Engineer
Open Source Team Lead
Digium, Inc.

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