[asterisk-dev] Asterisk makes the call but it does not know it did... Port Forwarding Problem?

nkhamis at cogeco.ca nkhamis at cogeco.ca
Tue Aug 7 16:52:05 CDT 2007

Asterisk works perfectly and makes the call however I am recieving this message:

-- Attempting call on Sip/999999999999999999 at for 170 at outbound:1 (Retry 1)
-- Executing Answer("OutgoingSpoolFailed", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (outbound, failed, 1) exited non-zero on 'OutgoingSpoolFailed'
-- Executing Answer("OutgoingSpoolFailed", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (outbound, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'OutgoingSpoolFailed'
Aug  7 15:53:37 NOTICE[29216]: pbx_spool.c:269 attempt_thread: Call failed to go through, reason 0

It says the call failed to go through however I received the call... any ideas? FYI: I am just testing right now and the
linux box is behind a router, do I need to forward any ports using SIP?

If this sounds like I do not know what I am talking about.. you are right, I am just a 17 year old with a thirst for

Thank You,
Nick Khamis.

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