[Asterisk-Dev] chan_exosip2

Jared Smith jaredsmith at jaredsmith.net
Mon Nov 14 10:18:23 MST 2005

On Mon, 2005-11-14 at 18:00 +0100, harry gaillac wrote:
> If i've posted some e-mails repeating the same
> question over and over so
> I needn't to post a large enough bounty to make
> someone
> interested in helping me but the asterisk project too
> !

It's Monday and I'm grumpy, so don't take this too personally (I'm not
aiming this at anyone in particular), but I've gotta say something.

Complaining to the -dev list (repeatedly) about needing a feature
doesn't get it written any faster.  If you have a feature you'd like
included, you have the following options:

o  If you can code, write it yourself.  Even if it's not perfect, it
might just be what's needed to get others interested in making it happen

o  If you can't code, put up and bounty or hire a programmer to write it
for you

o  If you can't code and you're too cheap to put up some money, at least
put together a reasonable proposal as to how the architecture should
work, including lots of detail.  A two-line email with lots of
exclamation marks saying "I need! I need!" doesn't cut it.

In short, begging on the -dev list doesn't make things happen.  Putting
forth some intellectual or financial capital will make things happen.


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