[Asterisk-Dev] Asterisk make clean and make looping?? (Possible solution)

Robert Webb asterisk at ropeguru.com
Thu Nov 3 10:55:00 MST 2005

On Thu, 03 Nov 2005 11:24:54 -0600
  "Kevin P. Fleming" <kpfleming at digium.com> wrote:
> Robert Webb wrote:
>> As I understand it, it seems that since the version.h 
>>build section has 
>> the dependency of FORCE listed and FORCE: is balnk, Make 
>>will assume 
>> that FORCE: has changed every time and cause the 
>> include/asterisk/version.h: section to rebuild every 
> That is correct; however, if you look at the actual 
>commands in the version.h build section, they build a new 
>file and compare the contents, to avoid overwriting (and 
>changing the timestamp) on version.h if the contents have 
>not changed. This was done specifically to avoid this 
> It appears that on your system (at least), these 
>commands are updating version.h anyway, even though the 
>contents have not changed.

Ok, I have tracked it further and see why it is rebuilding 
each time now. When the version.h.tmp is supposed to be 
created, it isn't. At least not that I can find in any 
directory. I made sure I commented out the rm -f $@.tmp 
line so that the .tmp would not get removed.

If I manually run the make_version_h script as shown in 
the Makefile, I get an output. Not sure if it might have 
something the do with the $@ variable when the .tmp gets 


P.S. - Sorry to inundate you with this. It is just curious 
to me why it is doing this and I want to learn and fix it.

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