[Asterisk-Dev] Asterisk make clean and make looping?? (Possible solution)

Robert Webb asterisk at ropeguru.com
Thu Nov 3 10:18:36 MST 2005

On Thu, 03 Nov 2005 10:41:34 -0600
  "Kevin P. Fleming" <kpfleming at digium.com> wrote:
> Robert Webb wrote:
>> include/asterisk/version.h: as a dependency. So the 
>> include/asterisk/version.h: section executes and updates 
>>version.h which 
>> causes .depend to be out of date and thus .depend gets 
> Here is the problem... version.h should _not_ be changed 
>if the version information is the same as it was during 
>the last run. If the Makefile is updating the file even 
>though the contents are no different, then that needs to 
>be fixed.

That is exactly what is happening.

If I do my usual tests and get the looping process started 
and then as the looping runs, monitor the time stamp on 
include/asterisk/version.h, the time stamp chages with the 
time on the system clock. So if it did its first build at 
13:05 and I let the loop continue, the time stamp will 
eventually change to 13:06 and then 13:07 etc..

As I understand it, it seems that since the version.h 
build section has the dependency of FORCE listed and 
FORCE: is balnk, Make will assume that FORCE: has changed 
every time and cause the include/asterisk/version.h: 
section to rebuild every time.

I seem to be able to fix the problem simply by removing 
the FORCE dependency from the include/asterisk/version.h: 
then things seem to build like they should.

I just do not have all the insight that I need in order to 
know for sure when the version.h should and should not 


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