[Asterisk-Dev] Asterisk make clean and make looping?? (Possible solution)

Kevin P. Fleming kpfleming at digium.com
Wed Nov 2 18:30:38 MST 2005

asterisk at ropeguru.com wrote:

> ifneq ($(wildcard .depend),)
>   include .depend
> Endif
> If I comment out the above section, everything seems to run as it
> should. I can make install, break out of it before it is finished, then
> make clean and all other make commands seem to work. If I let make
> install complete, asterisk starts and runs normally.
> Can someone take a look at the Makefile and try to help me understand
> the purpose of the above code that I commented out??

That snippet includes a series of rules into the Makefile that tell it 
what files (header files, mostly) each source file is dependent on, so 
that it can properly determine what needs to be rebuilt when source 
files are changed. The reason it is included in this fashion is because 
when it does not exist it must be skipped or an error will be generated.

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