[Asterisk-Dev] CallerID Woes

Bryce Chidester bryce at rhinoequipment.com
Tue May 10 17:43:08 MST 2005

I realize this may be an asterisk-users issue more than an asterisk- 
dev one, but I thought I'd ask here first.
What's happening is that the CallerID data stream is starting too  
early and getting run over by the ring, causing any reception device  
to not pick up the start frame and disregard it as line noise. I'm  
wondering, has anyone else had this problem or can anyone recommend a  
fix? I've looked at Mark's code and what he's done is padded the  
buffer to fill the 300ms Bellcore-spec gap after the ring, but that  
isn't enough apparently, so right now I'm looking at patching that to  
a longer buffer, but I wanted to ask the list in case there was any  
past experience. BTW, this is an FXS channel and has been confirmed  
on two different channelbanks.

Bryce Chidester
Rhino Equipment Corp.
bryce at rhinoequipment.com        SIP: 305 at rhinoequipment.zapto.org
(480) 940-1826 x305            IAX: guest at rhinoequipment.zapto.org/305

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