[Asterisk-Dev] Dev call 1.2 release discussion

Paul Cadach paul at odt.east.telecom.kz
Fri May 6 03:29:29 MST 2005


Adam Goryachev wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-05-06 at 15:41 +0600, Paul Cadach wrote:
> > User-space only software which isn't depends on any sort of additional support from kernel level.
> Why?, it is still ALL software...
> Given that some closed source commercial 'box' may be a soft switch, but
> then you don't know where the line is between kernel and application...

It is portable and isn't depends on any sort of hardware/drivers, especially when no such hardware/drivers is available
or its broken.

> > Just because software timing was done myself for Asterisk-0.5.0 about 1,5 years ago, it isn't so complex and could
> > ported to CVS-HEAD within one week or faster. Current mechanism to switch timing between zaptel-based timer and
> > receiving stream could make such port more easy. Probably, this thing is not for 1.2 but should be implemented
> > within 1.x tree.
> So why didn't you contrib that back when you did it? In fact, why don't
> you contrib that now?

The changes was rejected. I don't remember reasons for the reject.

> I would think that 1.2 is in fact exactly the same as CVS HEAD. ie, CVS
> HEAD stops accepting experimental patches/new features over the next 6
> weeks, at which point we say CVS HEAD == 1.2.0, and then we fork and
> start a new CVS HEAD, and continue 1.2.0 which is then CVS STABLE.

Before fork we should commit all TESTED BUT NOT COMMITED changes to make them a chance to live, otherwise those changes
will go away for some time then appear again...

> > Is someone have development plans for next minor and major releases? Is it publicly available?
> Generally, it depends on what people are willing to work on, rather than
> any specific set of features... What are you willing to work on?
> Mind you, I think the dev-conf probably keeps up with these things, at
> least looking 1 week into the future at a time :)

Mostly there should be wishlist or something like that where really GLOBAL projects/ideas should be placed (for example,
SS7 support, redesign of channel drivers and event subsystem, video, conferencing and video-conferencing, etc.).


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