[Asterisk-Dev] Internals of Asterisk

Steve Kann stevek at stevek.com
Fri Mar 18 09:49:53 MST 2005

Kevin P. Fleming wrote:

> Mike M wrote:
>> Use the force, read the source.  It's a bromide that works. If you
>> haven't already, pull the source down and speed read it. Sketch out how
>> you think it works. Then get it running and use a debugger or
>> (my favorite) printf/printk to trace operation.  Come back with specific
>> questions.
> Yeah, gdb and Asterisk is a fun combination... just when you think you 
> know what's going on, some other thread changes what you are looking 
> at :-)

Speaking of this, it might be cool to take a look at google's 
open-source "coredumper" library;  we could build asterisk with this, 
and then have it dump a multi-threaded core on command (without 
crashing), for inspection..


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