[Asterisk-Dev] Bug in res_config_odbc?

Simone Ricci simone.ricci at cwnet.it
Tue Jun 28 06:12:26 MST 2005

Hi to all,
I'm currently running asterisk 1.0.8, fetching sip.conf from MySQL using 
odbc (via res_config_odbc). The problem is that I can't get 'rtptimeout' 
and 'rtpholdtimeout' working this way; seems that asterisk ignores the 
settings. Is that a known issue? It's possible to fix it? I've read the 
code a bit, but I'm unable to help myself (I have a little bit 
understanding of ansi C). Please note that I was experiencing the same 
problem with 1.0.7 as well.

Thanks in advance,

Simone Ricci
E-mail: simone.ricci at cwnet.it
CWNET s.r.l.

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