[Asterisk-Dev] say.c Support for Urdu

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
Wed Jul 13 01:03:55 MST 2005

On Wed, Jul 13, 2005 at 12:28:26PM +0500, Atif Rasheed wrote:
> Hello Russel, Fleming:
> I am not a good coder, but just able to change ast_say_number_full_en to 
> add support for URDU Digits. specially required if you want to announce 
> currency amount and units in URDU. in URDU digits break down starts 
> after 100 as compared to 20 in english. 

Awful lot of sounds. This will mean recording many more Urdu sounds. No
way to save part of this?

> so a little change was required, 
> if good enough you can add it to CVS.

As others have noted, please submit a patch created using 'diff -u' vs.
the latest CVS. As this is just one file you don't need extra switches
such as -r.

> Regards,
> --
> Atif
> >    static int ast_say_number_full_urdu(struct ast_channel *chan, int 
> num, char *ints, char *language, int audiofd, int ctrlfd);
> >       } else if (!strcasecmp(language, "urdu") ) {    /* Urdu syntax */

What's the language code for Urdu? "ur"? "urd"?


> >          return(ast_say_number_full_urdu(chan, num, ints, language, 
> audiofd, ctrlfd));
> /*---- Urdu sound files needed for Time/Date functions:
> minute
> second
> ---- Urdu sound files needed for Currency:
> Rupay
> Rupia
> Paisa
> Paisay
> /*
> /*--- ast_say_number_full_urdu: Urdu syntax */
> /*--- Urdu syntax is little different, so we will require alot of extra 
> files. from 0 - 99  */
> static int ast_say_number_full_urdu(struct ast_channel *chan, int num, 
> char *ints, char *language, int audiofd, int ctrlfd)
> {
>        int res = 0;
>        int playh = 0;
>        char fn[256] = "";
>        if (!num)
>                return ast_say_digits_full(chan, 0,ints, language, 
> audiofd, ctrlfd);
>        while(!res && (num || playh)) {
>                        if (playh) {
>                                snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/hundred");
>                                playh = 0;
>                        } else  if (num < 100) {
>                                snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "digits/%d", num);
>                                num = 0;
>                        } else {
>                                if (num < 1000){
>                                        snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), 
> "digits/%d", (num/100));
>                                        playh++;
>                                        num -= ((num / 100) * 100);
>                                } else {
>                                        if (num < 1000000) { /* 1,000,000 */
>                                                res = 
> ast_say_number_full_en(chan, num / 1000, ints, language, audiofd, ctrlfd);
>                                                if (res)
>                                                        return res;
>                                                num = num % 1000;
>                                                snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), 
> "digits/thousand");
>                                        } else {

Is it just me, or the part below is replicated in too many functions?

>                                                if (num < 1000000000) { 
> /* 1,000,000,000 */
>                                                        res = 
> ast_say_number_full_en(chan, num / 1000000, ints, language, audiofd, 
> ctrlfd);
>                                                        if (res)
>                                                                return res;
>                                                        num = num % 1000000;
>                                                        snprintf(fn, 
> sizeof(fn), "digits/million");
>                                                } else {
> ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Number '%d' is too big for me\n", num);
>                                                        res = -1;
>                                                }
>                                        }
>                                }
>                        }
>                        if (!res) {
>                                if(!ast_streamfile(chan, fn, language)) {
>                                        if ((audiofd > -1) && (ctrlfd > -1))
>                                                res = 
> ast_waitstream_full(chan, ints, audiofd, ctrlfd);
>                                        else
>                                                res = 
> ast_waitstream(chan, ints);
>                                }
>                                ast_stopstream(chan);
>                        }
>        }
>        return res;
> }

Tzafrir Cohen     icq#16849755  +972-50-7952406
tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com  http://www.xorcom.com

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