[Asterisk-Dev] gnu-tls

Andrew McDonald andrew at mcdonald.org.uk
Wed Jul 6 10:35:36 MST 2005

On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 01:55:52AM -0500, Steven wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-07-06 at 09:21 +0300, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> > has anybody tried making Asterisk build with GNU TLS instead of openssl?
> Please use google to look up the licensing wars that have taken place.
> Essentially the use of a GNU GPL tool would cause trouble for the code
> base. Digium sells GPL waiver licenses for which you can link in non-GPL
> code. Use of GPL code not disclaimed to Digium would hinder that option.
> So only BSD or other less restrictive to the developer licenses need be
> used.

Please use google to look up the licensing terms of GNUTLS. :-)

The core GNUTLS library is LGPL, not GPL.


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