[Asterisk-Dev] Re: MySQL SIP and Message Waiting Indication

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Tue Jan 25 18:51:50 MST 2005

> | In that case, the project is lacking a mailing list.  Other Open
> | Source projects typically have a mailing list for users of CVS HEAD,
> | very often named ${project}-current.  This is an arena where
> | developers can interact with CVS HEAD users in their role as beta
> | testers.
> I like this idea.  I talked to Mark, and he liked it as well.  I think
> it would probably be even more helpful in cutting back the volume of the
> users list than this one.
> Do think Asterisk-current is the best name for it?
> Asterisk-head? ... Any suggestions?

I would suggest staying away from terms like -current. If I read my 
email week/month later or look at archives, what does current really
mean. Many other open src projects reecive tons of emails from folks
wondering what current means.

For asterisk, it would seem like Stable and Head have been fairly well 
understood. People are use to those terms now, use them.

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