[Asterisk-Dev] New jitterbuffer and Packet Loss Concealment preview/prototype patch available in tracker.

Steve Kann stevek at stevek.com
Thu Jan 20 13:32:52 MST 2005

I have a set of two patches for asterisk, at


Which implement a new jitterbuffer, and packet loss concealment, for 
IAX2 channels.  I've also looked at how to implement this for SIP and 
other RTP-based VoIP channels; it shouldn't be hard..

What this means is much smoother jitterbuffer behavior, and loss 
concealment for asterisk.  With this code, you can have a conversation 
over a link with 10% packet loss, and hardly notice..

Thanks to Steve Underwood, for his great Generic PLC algorithm, and 
Steve Davies, for moral support (where Moral support is loosely defined 
as "I'll work on this with you on day X", and then not appearing on day 
X :) <just kidding, Steve>).

Anyway, there's still time to change the decision on how this is 
integrated into asterisk, jitterbuf.c/h need a bunch of cleanup, and 
there is still more "plumbing" and testing to do (i.e. ensuring we do 
the right thing when calls are transferred, handling trunk mode, 
disabling the jitterbuffer when we bridge to another VoIP channel, etc), 
but what's there seems to work for the simple case.

Help and comments appreciated..


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