[Asterisk-Dev] RFC: Moderating the Asterisk Mailing Lists

Nick Bachmann asterisk at not-real.org
Fri Jan 7 15:23:28 MST 2005

Michael Giagnocavo wrote:

>  From: On Behalf Of Steven Critchfield
> >> if (condition) { do_this (); do_that (); }
> >
> > Sign of a lazy typer... GOOD
>  If it's truly because of lazy typing, then we'll also see wonderfully
>  named 1 letter variables all over the place too. Why use 'count' when
>  'c' will do, right?

Right now I'm working on a patch to translate all function names to 
single letters seperated by underscores.  I'll provide a table, of 
course, for you to look up old function names during the transition.  So 
ast_start_moh() will become a_s_m() and ast_stop_moh() -> a_s1_m(), etc.

> >> instead of:
> >>
> >> if (condition) { do_this (); do_that (); }
> >
> > Sign of a person probably paid by the lines of code, Not as good.
>  Or perhaps a person with a different personal preference, who just
>  might think that good application of whitespace can increase
>  readability...

If only we had a CODING-GUIDELINES document that gave us a standard, 
like say:
If statements:
if (foo) {
} else {

Maybe somebody could come up with arguments for indent(1L) that we could 
use?  Wouldn't that be helpful...


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