[Asterisk-Dev] Re: Wildcard TDM400P dies every few weeks...cause?

Simon Lockhart simon at slimey.org
Tue Jan 4 03:56:22 MST 2005

On Tue Jan 04, 2005 at 09:15:09AM +0200, Peter Nixon wrote:
> This is interesting. We have a different problem with these cards. We have 3 
> different machines with 3 different motherboards each with 3x TDM400 cards in 
> them. Upon reboot only the first card ever works. A physical machine halt, 
> and the powerup is required to make these cards work again.

Does it even detect the other cards? Try doing an lspci after a reboot and
see if the PCI IDs are the same for all the cards... I've seen some situations
where the PCI IDs would change on these cards after a reboot.

If this is the case, a fix could probably be made in the drivers...

Simon Lockhart | * Sun Server Colocation * ADSL * Domain Registration *
   Director    |    * Domain & Web Hosting * Internet Consultancy * 
  Bogons Ltd   | * http://www.bogons.net/  *  Email: info at bogons.net  * 

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