[Asterisk-Dev] [aidan@ifax.com: Re: E&M Wink problems]

Aidan Van Dyk aidan at ifax.com
Thu Feb 3 13:22:08 MST 2005

Any chance on this patch being pushed to v1.0 branch?  I've attached a
copy of it agains cvs 1.0 branch.

It just removes the hardcoded 250 ms value and replaces it with a
configurable emdigitwait.

This is already in CVS head.

----- Forwarded message from Aidan Van Dyk <aidan at ifax.com> -----

Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2005 15:08:57 -0500
From: Aidan Van Dyk <aidan at ifax.com>
Subject: Re: E&M Wink problems
To: "dwalker at jackson-tube.com" <dwalker at jackson-tube.com>,
	Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion <asterisk-users at lists.digium.com>
Message-ID: <20050203200857.GD14953 at yugib.highrise.ca>

* Dennis Walker <dwalker at jackson-tube.com> [050203 13:59]:
> Try setting 
> emdigitwait=500
> this is the time it waits for DTMF digits on a E&M T1 channel

This only came into CVS-HEAD on Jan 6:

Any chance of this being applied to the 1.0 branch as well?  Or will I
have to carry this change locally?

Aidan Van Dyk                                             aidan at ifax.com
Senior Software Developer                          +1 215 438-4638 x8103
iFAX Solutions, Inc.                                http://www.ifax.com/

----- End forwarded message -----

Aidan Van Dyk                                             aidan at ifax.com
Senior Software Developer                          +1 215 438-4638 x8103
iFAX Solutions, Inc.                                http://www.ifax.com/
-------------- next part --------------
===== channels/chan_zap.c 1.356 vs edited =====
--- 1.356/channels/chan_zap.c	2005-01-29 03:43:59 -05:00
+++ edited/channels/chan_zap.c	2005-02-03 15:17:55 -05:00
@@ -155,6 +155,8 @@ static char *config = "zapata.conf";
 #define zt_close(fd) if(fd > 0) close(fd);
+static int cur_emdigitwait = 250; /* Wait time in ms for digits on EM channel */
 static char context[AST_MAX_EXTENSION] = "default";
 static char callerid[256] = "";
@@ -4715,7 +4717,7 @@ static void *ss_thread(void *data)
 				/* If we got it, get the rest */
-				res = my_getsigstr(chan,dtmfbuf + 1,' ',250);
+				res = my_getsigstr(chan,dtmfbuf + 1,' ', p->emdigitwait);
@@ -6473,6 +6475,7 @@ static struct zt_pvt *mkintf(int channel
 		tmp->restrictcid = restrictcid;
 		tmp->use_callingpres = use_callingpres;
 		tmp->priindication_oob = priindication_oob;
+		tmp->emdigitwait = cur_emdigitwait;
 		if (tmp->usedistinctiveringdetection) {
 			if (!tmp->use_callerid) {
 				ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Distinctive Ring detect requires 'usecallerid' be on\n");
===== configs/zapata.conf.sample 1.32 vs edited =====
--- 1.32/configs/zapata.conf.sample	2005-01-06 15:05:22 -05:00
+++ edited/configs/zapata.conf.sample	2005-02-03 15:17:15 -05:00
@@ -138,6 +138,8 @@ signalling=fxo_ls
 ;    rxwink:      Receiver wink time (default 300ms)
 ;    rxflash:     Receiver flashtime (default 1250ms)
 ;    debounce:    Debounce timing (default 600ms)
+;    emdigitwait: Time to wait for DID digits on E&M links (default 250ms) (Increase to 500
+;		  or so if you are not getting all DID digits on your E&M link)
 rxwink=300		; Atlas seems to use long (250ms) winks

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