SV: [Asterisk-Dev] Change 'timelimit' on 'config' in a bridge.

Håkon Nessjøen haakon.nessjoen at
Thu Dec 22 05:59:01 MST 2005


Thats exactly what I am doing too.. I am monitoring calls with a perlscript using a Manager connection, and I want to be able to change the timelimit or warningtime if a second call is made.

My aproach so far has been to add a "bridge_config" variable in the ast_channel struct, which holds the current config variable of the bridge, if the channel has been bridged. Then I am able to change this with the new Manager-function that I called changetime. Which you feed with the channel being bridged.

So far, this works. I'm just stuck in channels.c. About making it re-read it.
Hm.. Does it poll "nexteventts"? Maybe I should have changed that variable too.

Anyways. Anyone who can help me with changing the warning- and timelimit time on a live call?


-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: asterisk-dev-bounces at [mailto:asterisk-dev-bounces at] På vegne av Kaloyan Kovachev
Sendt: 22. desember 2005 12:41
Til: Asterisk Developers Mailing List
Emne: Re: [Asterisk-Dev] Change 'timelimit' on 'config' in a bridge.

 i am trying to do something similar, as i want to chechk the client's debit during the call in case a second call from the same client (diferent number) had started. Here is what i was planning try (as i am not C programmer):

 1. Add another option to the dialapp OR store a global/channel variable in the dialplan with the time between the checks, which will be read in channel.c (line 3377 in v1.2.1) into 'nexteventts' if less than play_warning or timelimit.
 2. Again via the same option of dialapp OR another variable - the name of the application to execute at that time.
/* up to here i will manage it, but here comes the problem */  3. If it is not yet time to hangup or to play warning () start a new thread with the application from 2, which should return 0 (keep talking), -1 (hangup the call) or +x (extend the time with x seconds) OR directly change the status (via manager or else). This will hapend every N seconds and may take quite long, so it should be separate thread and the next 'nexteventts' should be also updated at the end of the 'if (!to) {' check (line 3414).

Hope this helps and any other ideas are welcome.

On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 11:48:15 +0100, Hеkon Nessjшen wrote
> Hi,
> I have made a change to manager.c, to include an action called "ChangeTime".
> This will change the 'timelimit' variable on the config variable of a 
> bridge.
> My only problem is that this variable is just read when the first 
> bridge-event is happening. Like when it is supposed to warn you about 
> little time.
> I have looked in channel.c at the funtion: ast_channel_bridge The 
> for(ever) loop is where the config->timelimit is read to figure out 
> when to warn. But it is waiting somewhere inside the loop before the 
> loop is read the second(or more) times. This waiting-time is equal to 
> the time it should wait for the first warning.
> Where in this for loop does it "sleep", and how can I make it to read 
> the loop again (and then re-read the config->timelimit variable)?
> The changetime-concept of mine works when the first warning sound is 
> scheduled. I can then increase the time, or decrease.
> My goal is to be able to change 'timelimit' on a live bridge. And I 
> feel so close, I just need it to re-read it somewhat more frequent.
> Anyone have any tips for me?
> Hеkon Nessjшen
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