[Asterisk-Dev] subversion diff --exclude ?

BJ Weschke bweschke at gmail.com
Tue Dec 6 06:47:45 MST 2005

On 12/6/05, Luigi Rizzo <rizzo at icir.org> wrote:
> since the switch to subversion of the asterisk repository i cannot
> find a good way to avoid some files when doing a "svn diff"
> Basically, i have a few files across the tree which are completely
> rewritten, and would like them not to appear in the diffs generated by a
>        svn diff
> command. Any ideas ? I could not find a suitable command line
> option for svn, and all the methods i could think of failed, namely:
> 1) I tried something like this to pass arguments to diff
>        svn diff --diff-cmd diff -x "-up --exclude=foo"
> however it turns out that the "--exclude" option of diff only works
> on directories, whereas subversion calls diff on individual files
> (actually, on a copy thereof, see below)
>        Index: utils.c
>        ===================================================================
>        called diff -up --exclude=foo -L utils.c    (revision 7360) -L utils.c      (working copy) .svn/text-base/utils.c.svn-base .svn/tmp/utils.c.tmp
> and so the pattern is not used.
> 2) I tried to set the property svn:ignore on the file, but apparently
> "svn diff" is unaffected;
> 3) I tried to override the config directory with svn --config-dir ...
> and put the filename in the global-ignores list, but no help either.
> Any other ideas ?

 Yes. Setup a branch for each project you're working on.

Bird's The Word Technologies, Inc.

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