[Asterisk-Dev] Not for 1.2, was SIP RTP JitterBuffer in Asterisk - now aimed for 1.3 dev

Tilghman Lesher tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Fri Aug 26 07:25:34 MST 2005

On Thursday 25 August 2005 19:11, Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
> Beau Hargis wrote:
> > I will be hammering away at AEL and making it work for me, but I
> > would not consider it stable at all.
> AEL (pbx_ael.c) will be included in the 1.2 release, but will be
> clearly marked in the UPGRADE.txt file as experimental. If we don't
> include it in 1.2, we won't get very many testers other than the
> brave souls who will continue to run the development branch :-)

Perhaps it would be worthwhile to disable it by default, even if it's
included in 1.2.  I have this nagging suspicion that some reviewer
will try it out, not seeing the notification that it is considered
experimental, and tag the entire Asterisk tree as Not Yet Ready For
Production.  Disabling it by default in the release will, at the very
least, prompt somebody to ask why it is disabled by default, rather
than assuming its inclusion is our endorsement of its production


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