[Asterisk-Dev] video in iax2 spec

Andreas Sikkema h323 at ramdyne.nl
Fri Apr 29 06:48:09 MST 2005

On Fri, 2005-04-29 at 15:21, Jeffrey C. Ollie wrote:

> I
> mean, come on, chan_h323 and chan_oh323 are some of the most difficult
> apps in Asterisk to get compiled, let alone working.  The people that
> have worked hard at getting chan_h323 and chan_oh323 to where they are
> today deserve a medal (and a large bottle of Tylenol).

It's a pity I don't have the time to work on H.323 for Asterisk,
otherwise I'd do something about this situation. It shouldn't have to be
that difficult to make Asterisk and OpenH323 to work together in a much
nicer way.

It's probably because Asterisk and OpenH323 use such different
programming languages, programming models etc, that it's not easy.

Andreas Sikkema <h323 at ramdyne.nl>

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