alternate SCM. Was Re: [Asterisk-Dev] Linux leaves Bitkeeper: quite a dustup

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at
Wed Apr 13 12:26:00 MST 2005

On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 12:58:28PM -0500, Steven Critchfield wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-04-12 at 14:15 -0700, Mike Taht wrote:
> > > Good binary file handling (for handling sounds, iaxy firmware)
> While a good idea, maybe we need to think about removing sounds from CVS
> or other SCM and make it a nice rsync repository or tarball. This is
> actually a very weak maybe.
> > > Tagging & branching that can be understood by non-CVS gurus
> > > Proper rename/remove support
> > > Good merge support
> > > Web interface for browsing source code repository
> How often is this actually used? Nice addition, but maybe it could be
> prioritized down a bit. 

I'd say that it is quite important. But it is not a core feature of the
repository, as it could always be implemented as an extra client, in the
way of cvsview.

> > > Documentation (esp. a "new-cool-scm-tool for CVS converts" document)
> > 
> > Emailed commit logs

Actually: you need triggers at commit time. Generating emails from those
is left as a trivial exercise of mailx to the user.

> While important, this might not be very easy or very usable in a
> distributed SCM environment. For instance, there may be branches you
> don't care anything about, but having a central email distribution would
> not be overly helpful. 
> Then again, it is just an email filter away from not caring. 
> Maybe that could be how we determine what is available to Digium as
> disclaimed code. If you use the Digium sponsored commit log list, any
> commits that are sent are available to Digium. 
> > Interface to mantis bug tracker

Can you give a URL to a patchset? (without creating a separate

Tzafrir Cohen     icq#16849755  +972-50-7952406
tzafrir.cohen at

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