[Asterisk-Dev] IAX2 Spec?

Steve Kann stevek at stevek.com
Fri Apr 8 16:23:26 MST 2005

Derek Smithies wrote:

>On Fri, 8 Apr 2005, Steve Kann wrote:
>>It's fun, especially when the receive side is mostly implemented in one 
>>1300 line function (socket_read()) :)
>So - what guideline did you find that suggests a 1300 line function?

I don't quite understand your question. I didn't find any guidelines; I 
just loaded chan_iax2.c into vi, went to the first brace after 
socket_read(), pressed "%", and noted the difference between the two 
line numbers.

>1300 line function - that is readable yes, but the people at obfuscated C 
>competitions will tell you that all code "is readable".

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