[Asterisk-Dev] Disable flash hook hold?

C. Maj cmaj-SPAM at freedomcorpse.com
Wed Oct 27 09:28:33 MST 2004

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, Barton Hodges waxed:

> I didn't really have any luck with this question on the Asterisk
> User's list, so I'm trying here where people are familiar with the
> source (although I've contributed a few tiny patches myself, this one
> has me stumped).  Is there a way to completely disable putting a user
> on hold when I briefly press the flash hook on the phone?  I would
> like the phone to hangup at that time, no matter what.  I disabled
> threewaycalling that is supposed to control this, but it doesn't make
> any difference:  "threewaycalling: If enabled, you can place a call on
> hold by pressing a hook flash, whereupon you get a dialrecall tone and
> can make another call. Default: no."
> I tried modifying wink, prewink, etc. but I could never get it
> disabled.  Is there a place where "prewink", "preflash", "rxwink",
> etc. are fully documented besides just "Pre-wink time (default 50ms)"?
> I'd like to know what they actually do.
> Thank you for any help at all,
> Barton

Sorry for the satellite delay here, but I submitted a patch
a long, long time ago to do this.  It was rejected :(


Maybe you can clean it up.  I am still running it on one
production system using an old CVS checkout, pre-1.0


Chris Maj, Rochester
Pronunciation Guide: Maj == May

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