[Asterisk-Dev] DUNDi(tm) = Gnutella?
Craig Southeren
craigs at postincrement.com
Thu Oct 21 06:02:24 MST 2004
On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 08:23:55 -0400
Andrew Kohlsmith <akohlsmith-asterisk at benshaw.com> wrote:
> On October 21, 2004 08:15 am, Craig Southeren wrote:
> > Ummm...no, it's not even close to being basically the same as Gnutella.
> > If anything, it's closer to DNS.
> Seems closer to Gnutella than DNS to me. DNS is hierarchial; DUNDi is not.
Why do you say DUNDi isn't hierarchical? The notion of formal peering
agreements forces a hierarchy (which may not be a simple tree like DNS,
but will be a levelled hierarchy nonetheless), and caching of route data
based on the TTL information makes it more efficient.
> > DUNDi is not used for exchanging multi-megabyte media files - it's used
> > for making very small routing requests.
> Gnutella's routing is also very small, but tons of routes adds up to big
> bandwidth, as Gnutella found out.
Nodes in a DUNDi network will know whether or not they are authoritative
for certain number sub-spaces, and hence deployers can make appropriate
decisions for bandwidth, CPU etc at each node. Contrast this to the
GnuTella network where random nodes could find themselves coopted as
crucial nexii in the network without warning, with sometimes very
negative results.
Again, this is like DNS - links between DUNDi nodes are created as a
result of explicit peering agreements, rather than node links being
randomly created by automatic exchange of node addresses.
Craig Southeren craigs at postincrement.com / craigs at voxgratia.org
Phone: +61 243654666 ICQ: #86852844
Fax: +61 243673140 MSN: craig_southeren at hotmail.com
Mobile: +61 417231046 Jabber: craigs at jabber.voxgratia.org
Post Increment - Consulting & Services http://www.postincrement.com
Vox Gratia - The Open Source VoIP portal http://www.voxgratia.org
Raving Of A Strange Mind - the VoIP blog http://www.southeren.com/blog
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