[Asterisk-Dev] Bug in app_queue/AgentCallbackLogin

Michael Loftis mloftis at wgops.com
Thu Oct 14 19:58:58 MST 2004

--On Thursday, October 14, 2004 19:40 -0700 Brian Roy 
<b.t.roy at brianandkelly.ws> wrote:

> It has to do the hangup because it off-hooks the POTS channel to check
> for tone. That is why you have to have a short (1-2 Sec) wait in your
> dial plan after the ChanIsAvail before the dial.

OK so agent_hangup is the culprit then  I was kind of expecting that.  I 
guess now I have to figure out how to make it behave properly in the case 
of an agent_request followed immediately by agent_hangup which is basically 
what ChanIsAvail is doing to the agent....that or write a better way of 
checking if there's agents logged in...and I'm now leaning towards the 
latter after looking at things for a bit here.

Anyone have any better suggestions for checking if an agent is available in 
a dial plan?  Or am I stuck fixing this?  (I guess this is more -user 
material though than -dev so i can ask about it there later...)

> Brian Roy

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