[Asterisk-Dev] Raising loop current limit on the Proslic (reg.71)

Brancaleoni Matteo mbrancaleoni at espia.it
Fri Mar 5 15:15:26 MST 2004

> Yikes.  I was not aware of this.  Thanks for the note though, along with 
> Matteo's fixes for "heavier" loads for the TDM400P I think the archives are 
> much better off for it all.  :-)

the patch is very simple, I'm preparing it.
but before that, I really like that someone from 
Digium tell us that there's no problem
for the tdm module to raise the max loop current limit...


Brancaleoni Matteo <mbrancaleoni at espia.it>
Espia - Emmegi Srl

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