[Asterisk-Dev] Patch: Voicemail interruptions

Kevin Walsh kevin at cursor.biz
Fri Jun 4 00:25:54 MST 2004

At the moment, if you want to delete a message when playing, you have
to press '7' (some other keys work too) to stop the message and then '7'
to actually delete it.

The following patch makes '7' stop and delete in one hit.  You can
always undelete it, of course:

Index: app.c
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/app.c,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -c -r1.21 app.c
*** app.c       1 Jun 2004 19:38:06 -0000       1.21
--- app.c       4 Jun 2004 07:40:06 -0000
*** 473,479 ****

                if (stop && strchr(stop, res)) {
-                       res = 0;
--- 473,478 ----

   _/   _/  _/_/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/  _/    _/
  _/_/_/   _/_/      _/    _/    _/    _/_/  _/   K e v i n   W a l s h
 _/ _/    _/          _/ _/     _/    _/  _/_/    kevin at cursor.biz
_/   _/  _/_/_/_/      _/    _/_/_/  _/    _/

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