[Asterisk-Dev] minumum linux hardware-less than 100 mb

John Todd jtodd at loligo.com
Tue Aug 3 21:47:36 MST 2004

At 12:55 PM -1000 on 8/3/04, James H. Thompson wrote:
>Corrected URLs for message below:
>OpenWRT: http://openwrt.ksilebo.net/
>tuxroot buildkit: anyone have a link?
>James H. Thompson
>jht at lava.net
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Andrew Kohlsmith" <akohlsmith-asterisk at benshaw.com>
>To: <asterisk-dev at lists.digium.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 3:38 AM
>Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Dev] minumum linux hardware-less than 100 mb
>On Tuesday 03 August 2004 08:58, Serkan Albayrak wrote:
>>  We are rying to build an asterisk system, but now we want to learn what is
>>  the minumum disk space to install linux+ asterisk and make those work
>>  properly.In fact, we are trying to put those in a SBC (single board
>>  computer)included a maximum 128mb flash memory. Do you know any companies
>>  which sell embedded linux boards for Asterisk? Thanks....
>I have fit Linux (including Perl, IPSEC, iproute2 and other goodies) into a
>16M CF card.  Asterisk is TINY compared to the 40MB Perl install I had in
>I can help you with it, or you can go out on your own and try -- I used Linux
>From Scratch (http://www.linuxfromscratch.org) but there is also the tuxroot
>buildkit which seems to be the "more better" way of doing it these days.  You
>can also check out the openwrt distribution (http://www.openwrt.org) and
>customize it to include the Zap drivers and Asterisk. 
>Contact me offlist if you would like any more assistance on this -- I think
>you will find though that it is quite easy to make small versions of Linux
>and that Asterisk plays nicely in confined environments.  :-)


So, the question is, who has compiled Asterisk for the WRT54G's?  I 
know it can be done; a stripped and trimmed down binary should fit. 
The real trick would be to figure out how to get a pseudo-Zap channel 
hacked into one, so that trunking could be used, in a SIP-to-IAX2 
condenser manner.  I've had this idea for a long time, and I'm sure 
others have experimented with this, but someone should fess up and 
post their experiences publicly, along with some files.  I think that 
the WRT54G would be a great mini-PBX, even if it can't store CDRs 
(well, at least not without burning the flash out.)


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