[Asterisk-Dev] Client development...
Tilghman Lesher
tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Fri Sep 26 00:02:03 MST 2003
On Thursday 25 September 2003 19:44, Boudewijn van Ingen wrote:
> At 04:45 PM 25-09-2003 -0700, TC wrote:
> >>I'm an experienced developer and have looked at the existing ports
> >> of the original code. But for several reasons,
> >
> >the iaxclient.sf.net has nice working iax lib that is portable..
> >is there some fundamental issue that could not be worked out on
> > that project
> >
> >>I have decided that it would be
> >>best for my needs to make a completely different design of the
> >>iax-libraries, this time in c++, and hopefully remaining somewhat
> >> portable.
> >
> >just seems a shame to start a new attempt rather than building on
> > the effort
> It would seem that way to any inexperienced software developer.
Actually, no. It would seem to be more difficult, because you're
limiting yourself to coding only in C++. This is perhaps a reason not
to code in C++.
> Still, what I am attempting to do, is not an attempt to throw all the
> efforts of 'those who went before me' away. What I am attempting to
> do, is capturing all that happened before in better streamlined code.
> (And only for *clients* of the asterisk system, mind you, I have no
> further ambitions right now.) The reason I want to do that is mainly
> because I saw so many problems in the way that "libaix" has been
> ported to Windows so far.
> Furthermore, I would like to have a version of it that would be more
> easily extended by other programmers.
Embrace, extend, extinguish. Isn't that the Microsoft way?
> To me, it seems that a properly designed C++ version of "libaix"
> could help in both those areas. But simply porting the C version into
> C++ is a hard job, without further information about the
> iax-protocol. Even without considering Windows ways to handle I/O (I
> have already concentrated that part into proper C++ classes that can
> easily be replaced)...
Ah, it's the old "see those plus signs after the C? That means it's
better" argument.
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