[Asterisk-Dev] Java based AGI

Johanna Kangas johanna.kangas at icecom.fi
Mon Oct 27 05:39:18 MST 2003

I have made several AGIs with Java, based on the documentation in

Now I tried to use Exec (first time) and looks like agi does not find
any applications.

What is wrong in this cutting:

static String linea;
static LineNumberReader in =  new LineNumberReader( new
InputStreamReader( System.in ) );
static String calleridnum = null;
                                                                                public static void main ( String[] args ) {
   try {
       /* read AGI environment */
       do {
           linea = in.readLine();
       } while ( linea.length() > 0 );
       System.out.println("EXEC MeetMe(392)");

>From Asterisk *CLI:

WARNING[311315]: File app_agi.c, Line 666 (handle_exec): Could not find
application (MeetMe(392))

I tried with several applications and with all I got same kind of
warning about used application, and nothing happens.
What's wrong or is something broken ?


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