[Asterisk-code-review] Fix pep8 and flake8 issues. (starpy[master])

Corey Farrell asteriskteam at digium.com
Mon May 14 08:40:45 CDT 2018

Corey Farrell has uploaded this change for review. ( https://gerrit.asterisk.org/8990

Change subject: Fix pep8 and flake8 issues.

Fix pep8 and flake8 issues.

* Update examples to be compatible with python3.
* Address pep8 and flake8 issues doc/, starpy/ and examples/.
* Fix undefined name keytree in fastagi:FastAGIProtocol.databaseDeltree.
* Set maximum line length to 90.

Change-Id: I293635427a48e66298042c3fc1e600e47854d3ed
M doc/pydoc/builddocs.py
M doc/pydoc/pydoc2.py
M examples/amicommand.py
M examples/autosurvey/frontend.py
M examples/calldurationcallback.py
M examples/connecttoivr.py
M examples/connecttoivrapp.py
M examples/fastagisetvariable.py
M examples/getvariable.py
M examples/hellofastagi.py
M examples/hellofastagiapp.py
M examples/menu.py
M examples/menutest.py
M examples/priexhaustion.py
M examples/priexhaustionbare.py
M examples/readingdigits.py
M examples/timestamp.py
M examples/timestampapp.py
M examples/utilapplication.py
M starpy/fastagi.py
M starpy/manager.py
M tox.ini
22 files changed, 1,496 insertions(+), 1,343 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://gerrit.asterisk.org:29418/starpy refs/changes/90/8990/1

diff --git a/doc/pydoc/builddocs.py b/doc/pydoc/builddocs.py
index 080f7c6..9372eb1 100755
--- a/doc/pydoc/builddocs.py
+++ b/doc/pydoc/builddocs.py
@@ -2,26 +2,25 @@
 import pydoc2
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	excludes = [
-		"Numeric",
-		"_tkinter",
-		"Tkinter",
-		"math",
-		"string",
-		"twisted",
-	]
-	stops = [
-	]
+    excludes = [
+        "Numeric",
+        "_tkinter",
+        "Tkinter",
+        "math",
+        "string",
+        "twisted",
+    ]
+    stops = [
+    ]
-	modules = [
-		'starpy',
-		'starpy.examples',
-		'__builtin__',
-	]	
-	pydoc2.PackageDocumentationGenerator(
-		baseModules = modules,
-		destinationDirectory = ".",
-		exclusions = excludes,
-		recursionStops = stops,
-	).process ()
+    modules = [
+        'starpy',
+        'starpy.examples',
+        '__builtin__',
+    ]
+    pydoc2.PackageDocumentationGenerator(
+        baseModules=modules,
+        destinationDirectory=".",
+        exclusions=excludes,
+        recursionStops=stops,
+    ).process()
diff --git a/doc/pydoc/pydoc2.py b/doc/pydoc/pydoc2.py
index 8fc4d33..cc85c6a 100644
--- a/doc/pydoc/pydoc2.py
+++ b/doc/pydoc/pydoc2.py
@@ -1,463 +1,462 @@
 """Pydoc sub-class for generating documentation for entire packages"""
-import pydoc, inspect, os, string
-import sys, imp, os, stat, re, types, inspect
-from repr import Repr
-from string import expandtabs, find, join, lower, split, strip, rfind, rstrip
+import pydoc
+import inspect
+import os
+import string
+import sys
+from string import join, split, strip
 def classify_class_attrs(cls):
-	"""Return list of attribute-descriptor tuples.
+    """Return list of attribute-descriptor tuples.
-	For each name in dir(cls), the return list contains a 4-tuple
-	with these elements:
+    For each name in dir(cls), the return list contains a 4-tuple
+    with these elements:
-		0. The name (a string).
+        0. The name (a string).
-		1. The kind of attribute this is, one of these strings:
-			   'class method'    created via classmethod()
-			   'static method'   created via staticmethod()
-			   'property'        created via property()
-			   'method'          any other flavor of method
-			   'data'            not a method
+        1. The kind of attribute this is, one of these strings:
+               'class method'    created via classmethod()
+               'static method'   created via staticmethod()
+               'property'        created via property()
+               'method'          any other flavor of method
+               'data'            not a method
-		2. The class which defined this attribute (a class).
+        2. The class which defined this attribute (a class).
-		3. The object as obtained directly from the defining class's
-		   __dict__, not via getattr.  This is especially important for
-		   data attributes:  C.data is just a data object, but
-		   C.__dict__['data'] may be a data descriptor with additional
-		   info, like a __doc__ string.
-	Note: This version is patched to work with Zope Interface-bearing objects
-	"""
+        3. The object as obtained directly from the defining class's
+           __dict__, not via getattr.  This is especially important for
+           data attributes:  C.data is just a data object, but
+           C.__dict__['data'] may be a data descriptor with additional
+           info, like a __doc__ string.
-	mro = inspect.getmro(cls)
-	names = dir(cls)
-	result = []
-	for name in names:
-		# Get the object associated with the name.
-		# Getting an obj from the __dict__ sometimes reveals more than
-		# using getattr.  Static and class methods are dramatic examples.
-		if name in cls.__dict__:
-			obj = cls.__dict__[name]
-		else:
-			try:
-				obj = getattr(cls, name)
-			except AttributeError, err:
-				continue
+    Note: This version is patched to work with Zope Interface-bearing objects
+    """
-		# Figure out where it was defined.
-		homecls = getattr(obj, "__objclass__", None)
-		if homecls is None:
-			# search the dicts.
-			for base in mro:
-				if name in base.__dict__:
-					homecls = base
-					break
+    mro = inspect.getmro(cls)
+    names = dir(cls)
+    result = []
+    for name in names:
+        # Get the object associated with the name.
+        # Getting an obj from the __dict__ sometimes reveals more than
+        # using getattr.  Static and class methods are dramatic examples.
+        if name in cls.__dict__:
+            obj = cls.__dict__[name]
+        else:
+            try:
+                obj = getattr(cls, name)
+            except AttributeError as err:
+                continue
-		# Get the object again, in order to get it from the defining
-		# __dict__ instead of via getattr (if possible).
-		if homecls is not None and name in homecls.__dict__:
-			obj = homecls.__dict__[name]
+        # Figure out where it was defined.
+        homecls = getattr(obj, "__objclass__", None)
+        if homecls is None:
+            # search the dicts.
+            for base in mro:
+                if name in base.__dict__:
+                    homecls = base
+                    break
-		# Also get the object via getattr.
-		obj_via_getattr = getattr(cls, name)
+        # Get the object again, in order to get it from the defining
+        # __dict__ instead of via getattr (if possible).
+        if homecls is not None and name in homecls.__dict__:
+            obj = homecls.__dict__[name]
-		# Classify the object.
-		if isinstance(obj, staticmethod):
-			kind = "static method"
-		elif isinstance(obj, classmethod):
-			kind = "class method"
-		elif isinstance(obj, property):
-			kind = "property"
-		elif (inspect.ismethod(obj_via_getattr) or
-			  inspect.ismethoddescriptor(obj_via_getattr)):
-			kind = "method"
-		else:
-			kind = "data"
+        # Also get the object via getattr.
+        obj_via_getattr = getattr(cls, name)
-		result.append((name, kind, homecls, obj))
+        # Classify the object.
+        if isinstance(obj, staticmethod):
+            kind = "static method"
+        elif isinstance(obj, classmethod):
+            kind = "class method"
+        elif isinstance(obj, property):
+            kind = "property"
+        elif (inspect.ismethod(obj_via_getattr) or
+              inspect.ismethoddescriptor(obj_via_getattr)):
+            kind = "method"
+        else:
+            kind = "data"
-	return result
+        result.append((name, kind, homecls, obj))
+    return result
 inspect.classify_class_attrs = classify_class_attrs
 class DefaultFormatter(pydoc.HTMLDoc):
-	def docmodule(self, object, name=None, mod=None, packageContext = None, *ignored):
-		"""Produce HTML documentation for a module object."""
-		name = object.__name__ # ignore the passed-in name
-		parts = split(name, '.')
-		links = []
-		for i in range(len(parts)-1):
-			links.append(
-				'<a href="%s.html"><font color="#ffffff">%s</font></a>' %
-				(join(parts[:i+1], '.'), parts[i]))
-		linkedname = join(links + parts[-1:], '.')
-		head = '<big><big><strong>%s</strong></big></big>' % linkedname
-		try:
-			path = inspect.getabsfile(object)
-			url = path
-			if sys.platform == 'win32':
-				import nturl2path
-				url = nturl2path.pathname2url(path)
-			filelink = '<a href="file:%s">%s</a>' % (url, path)
-		except TypeError:
-			filelink = '(built-in)'
-		info = []
-		if hasattr(object, '__version__'):
-			version = str(object.__version__)
-			if version[:11] == '$' + 'Revision: ' and version[-1:] == '$':
-				version = strip(version[11:-1])
-			info.append('version %s' % self.escape(version))
-		if hasattr(object, '__date__'):
-			info.append(self.escape(str(object.__date__)))
-		if info:
-			head = head + ' (%s)' % join(info, ', ')
-		result = self.heading(
-			head, '#ffffff', '#7799ee', '<a href=".">index</a><br>' + filelink)
+    def docmodule(self, object, name=None, mod=None, packageContext=None, *ignored):
+        """Produce HTML documentation for a module object."""
+        name = object.__name__  # ignore the passed-in name
+        parts = split(name, '.')
+        links = []
+        for i in range(len(parts)-1):
+            links.append(
+                '<a href="%s.html"><font color="#ffffff">%s</font></a>' %
+                (join(parts[:i+1], '.'), parts[i]))
+        linkedname = join(links + parts[-1:], '.')
+        head = '<big><big><strong>%s</strong></big></big>' % linkedname
+        try:
+            path = inspect.getabsfile(object)
+            url = path
+            if sys.platform == 'win32':
+                import nturl2path
+                url = nturl2path.pathname2url(path)
+            filelink = '<a href="file:%s">%s</a>' % (url, path)
+        except TypeError:
+            filelink = '(built-in)'
+        info = []
+        if hasattr(object, '__version__'):
+            version = str(object.__version__)
+            if version[:11] == '$' + 'Revision: ' and version[-1:] == '$':
+                version = strip(version[11:-1])
+            info.append('version %s' % self.escape(version))
+        if hasattr(object, '__date__'):
+            info.append(self.escape(str(object.__date__)))
+        if info:
+            head = head + ' (%s)' % join(info, ', ')
+        result = self.heading(
+            head, '#ffffff', '#7799ee', '<a href=".">index</a><br>' + filelink)
-		modules = inspect.getmembers(object, inspect.ismodule)
+        modules = inspect.getmembers(object, inspect.ismodule)
-		classes, cdict = [], {}
-		for key, value in inspect.getmembers(object, inspect.isclass):
-			if (inspect.getmodule(value) or object) is object:
-				classes.append((key, value))
-				cdict[key] = cdict[value] = '#' + key
-		for key, value in classes:
-			for base in value.__bases__:
-				key, modname = base.__name__, base.__module__
-				module = sys.modules.get(modname)
-				if modname != name and module and hasattr(module, key):
-					if getattr(module, key) is base:
-						if not cdict.has_key(key):
-							cdict[key] = cdict[base] = modname + '.html#' + key
-		funcs, fdict = [], {}
-		for key, value in inspect.getmembers(object, inspect.isroutine):
-			if inspect.isbuiltin(value) or inspect.getmodule(value) is object:
-				funcs.append((key, value))
-				fdict[key] = '#-' + key
-				if inspect.isfunction(value): fdict[value] = fdict[key]
-		data = []
-		for key, value in inspect.getmembers(object, pydoc.isdata):
-			if key not in ['__builtins__', '__doc__']:
-				data.append((key, value))
+        classes, cdict = [], {}
+        for key, value in inspect.getmembers(object, inspect.isclass):
+            if (inspect.getmodule(value) or object) is object:
+                classes.append((key, value))
+                cdict[key] = cdict[value] = '#' + key
+        for key, value in classes:
+            for base in value.__bases__:
+                key, modname = base.__name__, base.__module__
+                module = sys.modules.get(modname)
+                if modname != name and module and hasattr(module, key):
+                    if getattr(module, key) is base:
+                        if key not in cdict:
+                            cdict[key] = cdict[base] = modname + '.html#' + key
+        funcs, fdict = [], {}
+        for key, value in inspect.getmembers(object, inspect.isroutine):
+            if inspect.isbuiltin(value) or inspect.getmodule(value) is object:
+                funcs.append((key, value))
+                fdict[key] = '#-' + key
+                if inspect.isfunction(value):
+                    fdict[value] = fdict[key]
+        data = []
+        for key, value in inspect.getmembers(object, pydoc.isdata):
+            if key not in ['__builtins__', '__doc__']:
+                data.append((key, value))
-		doc = self.markup(pydoc.getdoc(object), self.preformat, fdict, cdict)
-		doc = doc and '<tt>%s</tt>' % doc
-		result = result + '<p>%s</p>\n' % doc
+        doc = self.markup(pydoc.getdoc(object), self.preformat, fdict, cdict)
+        doc = doc and '<tt>%s</tt>' % doc
+        result = result + '<p>%s</p>\n' % doc
-		packageContext.clean ( classes, object )
-		packageContext.clean ( funcs, object )
-		packageContext.clean ( data, object )
-		if hasattr(object, '__path__'):
-			modpkgs = []
-			modnames = []
-			for file in os.listdir(object.__path__[0]):
-				path = os.path.join(object.__path__[0], file)
-				modname = inspect.getmodulename(file)
-				if modname and modname not in modnames:
-					modpkgs.append((modname, name, 0, 0))
-					modnames.append(modname)
-				elif pydoc.ispackage(path):
-					modpkgs.append((file, name, 1, 0))
-			modpkgs.sort()
-			contents = self.multicolumn(modpkgs, self.modpkglink)
-##			result = result + self.bigsection(
-##				'Package Contents', '#ffffff', '#aa55cc', contents)
-			result = result + self.moduleSection( object, packageContext)
-		elif modules:
-			contents = self.multicolumn(
-				modules, lambda (key, value), s=self: s.modulelink(value))
-			result = result + self.bigsection(
-				'Modules', '#fffff', '#aa55cc', contents)
+        packageContext.clean(classes, object)
+        packageContext.clean(funcs, object)
+        packageContext.clean(data, object)
-		if classes:
-##			print classes
-##			import pdb
-##			pdb.set_trace()
-			classlist = map(lambda (key, value): value, classes)
-			contents = [
-				self.formattree(inspect.getclasstree(classlist, 1), name)]
-			for key, value in classes:
-				contents.append(self.document(value, key, name, fdict, cdict))
-			result = result + self.bigsection(
-				'Classes', '#ffffff', '#ee77aa', join(contents))
-		if funcs:
-			contents = []
-			for key, value in funcs:
-				contents.append(self.document(value, key, name, fdict, cdict))
-			result = result + self.bigsection(
-				'Functions', '#ffffff', '#eeaa77', join(contents))
-		if data:
-			contents = []
-			for key, value in data:
-				try:
-					contents.append(self.document(value, key))
-				except Exception, err:
-					pass
-			result = result + self.bigsection(
-				'Data', '#ffffff', '#55aa55', join(contents, '<br>\n'))
-		if hasattr(object, '__author__'):
-			contents = self.markup(str(object.__author__), self.preformat)
-			result = result + self.bigsection(
-				'Author', '#ffffff', '#7799ee', contents)
-		if hasattr(object, '__credits__'):
-			contents = self.markup(str(object.__credits__), self.preformat)
-			result = result + self.bigsection(
-				'Credits', '#ffffff', '#7799ee', contents)
+        if hasattr(object, '__path__'):
+            modpkgs = []
+            modnames = []
+            for file in os.listdir(object.__path__[0]):
+                path = os.path.join(object.__path__[0], file)
+                modname = inspect.getmodulename(file)
+                if modname and modname not in modnames:
+                    modpkgs.append((modname, name, 0, 0))
+                    modnames.append(modname)
+                elif pydoc.ispackage(path):
+                    modpkgs.append((file, name, 1, 0))
+            modpkgs.sort()
+            contents = self.multicolumn(modpkgs, self.modpkglink)
+            result = result + self.moduleSection(object, packageContext)
+        elif modules:
+            contents = self.multicolumn(
+                modules, lambda kvp, s=self: s.modulelink(kvp[1]))
+            result = result + self.bigsection(
+                'Modules', '#fffff', '#aa55cc', contents)
-		return result
+        if classes:
+            classlist = map(lambda kvp: kvp[1], classes)
+            contents = [
+                self.formattree(inspect.getclasstree(classlist, 1), name)]
+            for key, value in classes:
+                contents.append(self.document(value, key, name, fdict, cdict))
+            result = result + self.bigsection(
+                'Classes', '#ffffff', '#ee77aa', join(contents))
+        if funcs:
+            contents = []
+            for key, value in funcs:
+                contents.append(self.document(value, key, name, fdict, cdict))
+            result = result + self.bigsection(
+                'Functions', '#ffffff', '#eeaa77', join(contents))
+        if data:
+            contents = []
+            for key, value in data:
+                try:
+                    contents.append(self.document(value, key))
+                except Exception as err:
+                    pass
+            result = result + self.bigsection(
+                'Data', '#ffffff', '#55aa55', join(contents, '<br>\n'))
+        if hasattr(object, '__author__'):
+            contents = self.markup(str(object.__author__), self.preformat)
+            result = result + self.bigsection(
+                'Author', '#ffffff', '#7799ee', contents)
+        if hasattr(object, '__credits__'):
+            contents = self.markup(str(object.__credits__), self.preformat)
+            result = result + self.bigsection(
+                'Credits', '#ffffff', '#7799ee', contents)
-	def classlink(self, object, modname):
-		"""Make a link for a class."""
-		name, module = object.__name__, sys.modules.get(object.__module__)
-		if hasattr(module, name) and getattr(module, name) is object:
-			return '<a href="%s.html#%s">%s</a>' % (
-				module.__name__, name, name
-			)
-		return pydoc.classname(object, modname)
-	def moduleSection( self, object, packageContext ):
-		"""Create a module-links section for the given object (module)"""
-		modules = inspect.getmembers(object, inspect.ismodule)
-		packageContext.clean ( modules, object )
-		packageContext.recurseScan( modules )
+        return result
-		if hasattr(object, '__path__'):
-			modpkgs = []
-			modnames = []
-			for file in os.listdir(object.__path__[0]):
-				path = os.path.join(object.__path__[0], file)
-				modname = inspect.getmodulename(file)
-				if modname and modname not in modnames:
-					modpkgs.append((modname, object.__name__, 0, 0))
-					modnames.append(modname)
-				elif pydoc.ispackage(path):
-					modpkgs.append((file, object.__name__, 1, 0))
-			modpkgs.sort()
-			# do more recursion here...
-			for (modname, name, ya,yo) in modpkgs:
-				packageContext.addInteresting( join( (object.__name__, modname), '.'))
-			items = []
-			for (modname, name, ispackage,isshadowed) in modpkgs:
-				try:
-					# get the actual module object...
-##					if modname == "events":
-##						import pdb
-##						pdb.set_trace()
-					module = pydoc.safeimport( "%s.%s"%(name,modname) )
-					description, documentation = pydoc.splitdoc( inspect.getdoc( module ))
-					if description:
-						items.append(
-							"""%s -- %s"""% (
-								self.modpkglink( (modname, name, ispackage, isshadowed) ),
-								description,
-							)
-						)
-					else:
-						items.append(
-							self.modpkglink( (modname, name, ispackage, isshadowed) )
-						)
-				except:
-					items.append(
-						self.modpkglink( (modname, name, ispackage, isshadowed) )
-					)
-			contents = string.join( items, '<br>')
-			result = self.bigsection(
-				'Package Contents', '#ffffff', '#aa55cc', contents)
-		elif modules:
-			contents = self.multicolumn(
-				modules, lambda (key, value), s=self: s.modulelink(value))
-			result = self.bigsection(
-				'Modules', '#fffff', '#aa55cc', contents)
-		else:
-			result = ""
-		return result
+    def classlink(self, object, modname):
+        """Make a link for a class."""
+        name, module = object.__name__, sys.modules.get(object.__module__)
+        if hasattr(module, name) and getattr(module, name) is object:
+            return '<a href="%s.html#%s">%s</a>' % (
+                module.__name__, name, name
+            )
+        return pydoc.classname(object, modname)
+    def moduleSection(self, object, packageContext):
+        """Create a module-links section for the given object (module)"""
+        modules = inspect.getmembers(object, inspect.ismodule)
+        packageContext.clean(modules, object)
+        packageContext.recurseScan(modules)
+        if hasattr(object, '__path__'):
+            modpkgs = []
+            modnames = []
+            for file in os.listdir(object.__path__[0]):
+                path = os.path.join(object.__path__[0], file)
+                modname = inspect.getmodulename(file)
+                if modname and modname not in modnames:
+                    modpkgs.append((modname, object.__name__, 0, 0))
+                    modnames.append(modname)
+                elif pydoc.ispackage(path):
+                    modpkgs.append((file, object.__name__, 1, 0))
+            modpkgs.sort()
+            # do more recursion here...
+            for (modname, name, ya, yo) in modpkgs:
+                packageContext.addInteresting(join((object.__name__, modname), '.'))
+            items = []
+            for (modname, name, ispackage, isshadowed) in modpkgs:
+                try:
+                    # get the actual module object...
+                    module = pydoc.safeimport("%s.%s" % (name, modname))
+                    description, documentation = pydoc.splitdoc(inspect.getdoc(module))
+                    if description:
+                        items.append(
+                            """%s -- %s""" % (
+                                self.modpkglink((modname, name, ispackage, isshadowed)),
+                                description,
+                            )
+                        )
+                    else:
+                        items.append(
+                            self.modpkglink((modname, name, ispackage, isshadowed))
+                        )
+                except:
+                    items.append(
+                        self.modpkglink((modname, name, ispackage, isshadowed))
+                    )
+            contents = string.join(items, '<br>')
+            result = self.bigsection(
+                'Package Contents', '#ffffff', '#aa55cc', contents)
+        elif modules:
+            contents = self.multicolumn(
+                modules, lambda kvp, s=self: s.modulelink(kvp[1]))
+            result = self.bigsection(
+                'Modules', '#fffff', '#aa55cc', contents)
+        else:
+            result = ""
+        return result
 class AlreadyDone(Exception):
-	pass
+    pass
 class PackageDocumentationGenerator:
-	"""A package document generator creates documentation
-	for an entire package using pydoc's machinery.
+    """A package document generator creates documentation
+    for an entire package using pydoc's machinery.
-	baseModules -- modules which will be included
-		and whose included and children modules will be
-		considered fair game for documentation
-	destinationDirectory -- the directory into which
-		the HTML documentation will be written
-	recursion -- whether to add modules which are
-		referenced by and/or children of base modules
-	exclusions -- a list of modules whose contents will
-		not be shown in any other module, commonly
-		such modules as OpenGL.GL, wxPython.wx etc.
-	recursionStops -- a list of modules which will
-		explicitly stop recursion (i.e. they will never
-		be included), even if they are children of base
-		modules.
-	formatter -- allows for passing in a custom formatter
-		see DefaultFormatter for sample implementation.
-	"""
-	def __init__ (
-		self, baseModules, destinationDirectory = ".",
-		recursion = 1, exclusions = (),
-		recursionStops = (),
-		formatter = None
-	):
-		self.destinationDirectory = os.path.abspath( destinationDirectory)
-		self.exclusions = {}
-		self.warnings = []
-		self.baseSpecifiers = {}
-		self.completed = {}
-		self.recursionStops = {}
-		self.recursion = recursion
-		for stop in recursionStops:
-			self.recursionStops[ stop ] = 1
-		self.pending = []
-		for exclusion in exclusions:
-			try:
-				self.exclusions[ exclusion ]= pydoc.locate ( exclusion)
-			except pydoc.ErrorDuringImport, value:
-				self.warn( """Unable to import the module %s which was specified as an exclusion module"""% (repr(exclusion)))
-		self.formatter = formatter or DefaultFormatter()
-		for base in baseModules:
-			self.addBase( base )
-	def warn( self, message ):
-		"""Warnings are used for recoverable, but not necessarily ignorable conditions"""
-		self.warnings.append (message)
-	def info (self, message):
-		"""Information/status report"""
-		print message
-	def addBase(self, specifier):
-		"""Set the base of the documentation set, only children of these modules will be documented"""
-		try:
-			self.baseSpecifiers [specifier] = pydoc.locate ( specifier)
-			self.pending.append (specifier)
-		except pydoc.ErrorDuringImport, value:
-			self.warn( """Unable to import the module %s which was specified as a base module"""% (repr(specifier)))
-	def addInteresting( self, specifier):
-		"""Add a module to the list of interesting modules"""
-		if self.checkScope( specifier):
-##			print "addInteresting", specifier
-			self.pending.append (specifier)
-		else:
-			self.completed[ specifier] = 1
-	def checkScope (self, specifier):
-		"""Check that the specifier is "in scope" for the recursion"""
-		if not self.recursion:
-			return 0
-		items = string.split (specifier, ".")
-		stopCheck = items [:]
-		while stopCheck:
-			name = string.join(items, ".")
-			if self.recursionStops.get( name):
-				return 0
-			elif self.completed.get (name):
-				return 0
-			del stopCheck[-1]
-		while items:
-			if self.baseSpecifiers.get( string.join(items, ".")):
-				return 1
-			del items[-1]
-		# was not within any given scope
-		return 0
+    baseModules -- modules which will be included
+        and whose included and children modules will be
+        considered fair game for documentation
+    destinationDirectory -- the directory into which
+        the HTML documentation will be written
+    recursion -- whether to add modules which are
+        referenced by and/or children of base modules
+    exclusions -- a list of modules whose contents will
+        not be shown in any other module, commonly
+        such modules as OpenGL.GL, wxPython.wx etc.
+    recursionStops -- a list of modules which will
+        explicitly stop recursion (i.e. they will never
+        be included), even if they are children of base
+        modules.
+    formatter -- allows for passing in a custom formatter
+        see DefaultFormatter for sample implementation.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self, baseModules, destinationDirectory=".",
+        recursion=1, exclusions=(),
+        recursionStops=(),
+        formatter=None
+    ):
+        self.destinationDirectory = os.path.abspath(destinationDirectory)
+        self.exclusions = {}
+        self.warnings = []
+        self.baseSpecifiers = {}
+        self.completed = {}
+        self.recursionStops = {}
+        self.recursion = recursion
+        for stop in recursionStops:
+            self.recursionStops[stop] = 1
+        self.pending = []
+        for exclusion in exclusions:
+            try:
+                self.exclusions[exclusion] = pydoc.locate(exclusion)
+            except pydoc.ErrorDuringImport as value:
+                self.warn(
+                    ("Unable to import the module %s which "
+                     "was specified as an exclusion module") % (repr(exclusion)))
+        self.formatter = formatter or DefaultFormatter()
+        for base in baseModules:
+            self.addBase(base)
-	def process( self ):
-		"""Having added all of the base and/or interesting modules,
-		proceed to generate the appropriate documentation for each
-		module in the appropriate directory, doing the recursion
-		as we go."""
-		try:
-			while self.pending:
-				try:
-					if self.completed.has_key( self.pending[0] ):
-						raise AlreadyDone( self.pending[0] )
-					self.info( """Start %s"""% (repr(self.pending[0])))
-					object = pydoc.locate ( self.pending[0] )
-					self.info( """   ... found %s"""% (repr(object.__name__)))
-				except AlreadyDone:
-					pass
-				except pydoc.ErrorDuringImport, value:
-					self.info( """   ... FAILED %s"""% (repr( value)))
-					self.warn( """Unable to import the module %s"""% (repr(self.pending[0])))
-				except (SystemError, SystemExit), value:
-					self.info( """   ... FAILED %s"""% (repr( value)))
-					self.warn( """Unable to import the module %s"""% (repr(self.pending[0])))
-				except Exception, value:
-					self.info( """   ... FAILED %s"""% (repr( value)))
-					self.warn( """Unable to import the module %s"""% (repr(self.pending[0])))
-				else:
-					page = self.formatter.page(
-						pydoc.describe(object),
-						self.formatter.docmodule(
-							object,
-							object.__name__,
-							packageContext = self,
-						)
-					)
-					file = open (
-						os.path.join(
-							self.destinationDirectory,
-							self.pending[0] + ".html",
-						),
-						'w',
-					)
-					file.write(page)
-					file.close()
-					self.completed[ self.pending[0]] = object
-				del self.pending[0]
-		finally:
-			for item in self.warnings:
-				print item
-	def clean (self, objectList, object):
-		"""callback from the formatter object asking us to remove
-		those items in the key, value pairs where the object is
-		imported from one of the excluded modules"""
-		for key, value in objectList[:]:
-			for excludeObject in self.exclusions.values():
-				if hasattr( excludeObject, key ) and excludeObject is not object:
-					if (
-						getattr( excludeObject, key) is value or
-						(hasattr( excludeObject, '__name__') and
-						 excludeObject.__name__ == "Numeric"
-						 )
-					):
-						objectList[:] = [ (k,o) for k,o in objectList if k != key ]
-	def recurseScan(self, objectList):
-		"""Process the list of modules trying to add each to the
-		list of interesting modules"""
-		for key, value in objectList:
-			self.addInteresting( value.__name__ )
+    def warn(self, message):
+        """Warnings are used for recoverable, but not necessarily ignorable conditions"""
+        self.warnings.append(message)
+    def info(self, message):
+        """Information/status report"""
+        print(message)
+    def addBase(self, specifier):
+        """Set the base of the documentation set, only children of these modules will
+        be documented"""
+        try:
+            self.baseSpecifiers[specifier] = pydoc.locate(specifier)
+            self.pending.append(specifier)
+        except pydoc.ErrorDuringImport as value:
+            self.warn(
+                "Unable to import the module %s which was specified as a base module" %
+                (repr(specifier)))
+    def addInteresting(self, specifier):
+        """Add a module to the list of interesting modules"""
+        if self.checkScope(specifier):
+            self.pending.append(specifier)
+        else:
+            self.completed[specifier] = 1
+    def checkScope(self, specifier):
+        """Check that the specifier is "in scope" for the recursion"""
+        if not self.recursion:
+            return 0
+        items = string.split(specifier, ".")
+        stopCheck = items[:]
+        while stopCheck:
+            name = string.join(items, ".")
+            if self.recursionStops.get(name):
+                return 0
+            elif self.completed.get(name):
+                return 0
+            del stopCheck[-1]
+        while items:
+            if self.baseSpecifiers.get(string.join(items, ".")):
+                return 1
+            del items[-1]
+        # was not within any given scope
+        return 0
+    def process(self):
+        """Having added all of the base and/or interesting modules,
+        proceed to generate the appropriate documentation for each
+        module in the appropriate directory, doing the recursion
+        as we go."""
+        try:
+            while self.pending:
+                try:
+                    if self.pending[0] in self.completed:
+                        raise AlreadyDone(self.pending[0])
+                    self.info("""Start %s""" % (repr(self.pending[0])))
+                    object = pydoc.locate(self.pending[0])
+                    self.info("""   ... found %s""" % (repr(object.__name__)))
+                except AlreadyDone:
+                    pass
+                except pydoc.ErrorDuringImport as value:
+                    self.info("   ... FAILED %s" % (repr(value)))
+                    self.warn("Unable to import the module %s" % (repr(self.pending[0])))
+                except (SystemError, SystemExit) as value:
+                    self.info("   ... FAILED %s" % (repr(value)))
+                    self.warn("Unable to import the module %s" % (repr(self.pending[0])))
+                except Exception as value:
+                    self.info("   ... FAILED %s" % (repr(value)))
+                    self.warn("Unable to import the module %s" % (repr(self.pending[0])))
+                else:
+                    page = self.formatter.page(
+                        pydoc.describe(object),
+                        self.formatter.docmodule(
+                            object,
+                            object.__name__,
+                            packageContext=self,
+                        )
+                    )
+                    file = open(
+                        os.path.join(
+                            self.destinationDirectory,
+                            self.pending[0] + ".html",
+                        ),
+                        'w',
+                    )
+                    file.write(page)
+                    file.close()
+                    self.completed[self.pending[0]] = object
+                del self.pending[0]
+        finally:
+            for item in self.warnings:
+                print(item)
+    def clean(self, objectList, object):
+        """callback from the formatter object asking us to remove
+        those items in the key, value pairs where the object is
+        imported from one of the excluded modules"""
+        for key, value in objectList[:]:
+            for excludeObject in self.exclusions.values():
+                if hasattr(excludeObject, key) and excludeObject is not object:
+                    if (
+                        getattr(excludeObject, key) is value or
+                        (hasattr(excludeObject, '__name__') and
+                         excludeObject.__name__ == "Numeric"
+                         )
+                    ):
+                        objectList[:] = [(k, o) for k, o in objectList if k != key]
+    def recurseScan(self, objectList):
+        """Process the list of modules trying to add each to the
+        list of interesting modules"""
+        for key, value in objectList:
+            self.addInteresting(value.__name__)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	excludes = [
-		"OpenGL.GL",
-		"OpenGL.GLU",
-		"OpenGL.GLUT",
-		"OpenGL.GLE",
-		"OpenGL.GLX",
-		"wxPython.wx",
-		"Numeric",
-		"_tkinter",
-		"Tkinter",
-	]
+    excludes = [
+        "OpenGL.GL",
+        "OpenGL.GLU",
+        "OpenGL.GLUT",
+        "OpenGL.GLE",
+        "OpenGL.GLX",
+        "wxPython.wx",
+        "Numeric",
+        "_tkinter",
+        "Tkinter",
+    ]
-	modules = [
-		"OpenGLContext.debug",
-##		"wxPython.glcanvas",
-##		"OpenGL.Tk",
-##		"OpenGL",
-	]	
-	PackageDocumentationGenerator(
-		baseModules = modules,
-		destinationDirectory = "z:\\temp",
-		exclusions = excludes,
-	).process ()
+    modules = [
+        "OpenGLContext.debug",
+    ]
+    PackageDocumentationGenerator(
+        baseModules=modules,
+        destinationDirectory="z:\\temp",
+        exclusions=excludes,
+    ).process()
diff --git a/examples/amicommand.py b/examples/amicommand.py
index ee0e7b1..04ac913 100644
--- a/examples/amicommand.py
+++ b/examples/amicommand.py
@@ -1,35 +1,38 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
 """Test/sample to call "show database" command
-from twisted.application import service, internet
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
-from starpy import manager, fastagi
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from starpy import manager
 import utilapplication
-import menu
-import os, logging, pprint, time
+import logging
-log = logging.getLogger( 'callduration' )
+log = logging.getLogger('callduration')
 APPLICATION = utilapplication.UtilApplication()
 def main():
-    def onConnect( ami ):
-        def onResult( result ):
-            print 'Result', result
+    def onConnect(ami):
+        def onResult(result):
+            print('Result', result)
             return ami.logoff()
-        def onError( reason ):
-            print reason.getTraceback()
+        def onError(reason):
+            print(reason.getTraceback())
             return reason
-        def onFinished( result ):
+        def onFinished(result):
-        df = ami.command( 'database show' )
-        df.addCallbacks( onResult, onError )
-        df.addCallbacks( onFinished, onFinished )
+        df = ami.command('database show')
+        df.addCallbacks(onResult, onError)
+        df.addCallbacks(onFinished, onFinished)
         return df
-    amiDF = APPLICATION.amiSpecifier.login(
-    ).addCallback( onConnect )
+    APPLICATION.amiSpecifier.login().addCallback(onConnect)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    manager.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-    reactor.callWhenRunning( main )
+    manager.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    reactor.callWhenRunning(main)
diff --git a/examples/autosurvey/frontend.py b/examples/autosurvey/frontend.py
index da50378..7843a34 100644
--- a/examples/autosurvey/frontend.py
+++ b/examples/autosurvey/frontend.py
@@ -1,167 +1,176 @@
 """Simple HTTP Server using twisted.web2"""
-from nevow import rend, appserver, inevow, tags, loaders
-from twisted.application import service, internet
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
+from nevow import rend, appserver, inevow, loaders
+from twisted.application import internet
+from twisted.internet import reactor
 from starpy import manager, fastagi, utilapplication
 from basicproperty import common, basic, propertied, weak
-import os, logging, pprint, time
+import logging
+import random
+import sys
-log = logging.getLogger( 'autosurvey' )
-class Application( utilapplication.UtilApplication ):
-	"""Services provided at the application level"""
-	surveys = common.DictionaryProperty(
-		"surveys", """Set of surveys indexed by survey/extension number""",
-	)
+log = logging.getLogger('autosurvey')
+class Application(utilapplication.UtilApplication):
+    """Services provided at the application level"""
+    surveys = common.DictionaryProperty(
+        "surveys", """Set of surveys indexed by survey/extension number""",
+    )
-class Survey( propertied.Propertied ):
-	"""Models a single survey to be completed"""
-	surveyId = common.IntegerProperty(
-		"surveyId", """Unique identifier for this survey""",
-	)
-	owner = basic.BasicProperty(
-		"owner", """Owner's phone number to which to connect""",
-	)
-	questions = common.ListProperty(
-		"questions", """Set of questions which make up the survey""",
-	)
-	YOU_CURRENTLY_HAVE = 'vm-youhave'
-	QUESTIONS_IN_YOUR_SURVEY = 'vm-messages'
-	QUESTION_IN_YOUR_SURVEY = 'vm-message'
-	TO_LISTEN_TO_SURVEY_QUESTION = 'to-listen-to-it'
-	TO_RECORD_A_NEW_SURVEY_QUESTION = 'to-rerecord-it'
-	TO_FINISH_SURVEY_SETUP = 'vm-helpexit'
-	def setupSurvey( self, agi ):
-		"""AGI application to allow the user to set up the survey
-		Screen 1:
-			You have # questions.
-			To listen to a question, press the number of the question.
-			To record a new question, press pound.
-			To finish setup, press star.
-		"""
-		seq = fastagi.InSequence( )
-		seq.append( agi.wait, 2 )
-		base = """You currently have %s question%s.
-		To listen to a question press the number of the question.
-		To record a new question, press pound.
-		To finish survey setup, press star.
-		"""%(
-			len(self.questions),
-			['','s'][len(self.questions)==1],
-		)
-		if len(base) != 1:
-			base += 's'
-		base = " ".join(base.split())
-		seq.append( agi.execute, 'Festival', base )
-		seq.append( agi.finish, )
-		return seq()
-		seq.append( agi.streamFile, self.YOU_CURRENTLY_HAVE )
-		seq.append( agi.sayNumber, len(self.questions))
-		if len(self.questions) == 1:
-			seq.append( agi.streamFile, self.QUESTION_IN_YOUR_SURVEY )
-		else:
-			seq.append( agi.streamFile, self.QUESTIONS_IN_YOUR_SURVEY )
-		seq.append( agi.streamFile, self.TO_LISTEN_TO_SURVEY_QUESTION )
-		seq.append( agi.streamFile, self.TO_RECORD_A_NEW_SURVEY_QUESTION )
-		seq.append( agi.streamFile, self.TO_FINISH_SURVEY_SETUP )
-		seq.append( agi.finish, )
-		return seq()
-	def newQuestionId( self ):
-		"""Return a new, unique, question id"""
-		import random, sys
-		bad = True
-		while bad:
-			bad = False
-			id = random.randint(0,sys.maxint)
-			for question in self.questions:
-				if id == question.__dict__.get('questionId'):
-					bad = True
-		return id
-class Question( propertied.Propertied ):
-	survey = weak.WeakProperty(
-		"survey", """Our survey object""",
-	)
-	questionId = common.IntegerProperty(
-		"questionId", """Unique identifier for our question""",
-		defaultFunction = lambda prop,client: client.survey.newQuestionId(),
-	)
-	def recordQuestion( self, agi, number=None ):
-		"""Record a question (number)"""
-		return agi.recordFile( 
-			'%s.%s'%(self.survey.surveyId,self.questionId),
-			'gsm',
-			'#*',
-			timeout=60,
-			beep = True,
-			silence=5,
-		).addCallback( 
-			self.onRecorded, agi=agi
-		).addErrback(self.onRecordAborted, agi=agi )
-	def onRecorded( self, result, agi ):
-		"""Handle recording of the question"""
-def getManagerAPI( username, password, server='', port=5038 ):
-	"""Retrieve a logged-in manager API"""
+class Survey(propertied.Propertied):
+    """Models a single survey to be completed"""
+    surveyId = common.IntegerProperty(
+        "surveyId", """Unique identifier for this survey""",
+    )
+    owner = basic.BasicProperty(
+        "owner", """Owner's phone number to which to connect""",
+    )
+    questions = common.ListProperty(
+        "questions", """Set of questions which make up the survey""",
+    )
+    YOU_CURRENTLY_HAVE = 'vm-youhave'
+    QUESTIONS_IN_YOUR_SURVEY = 'vm-messages'
+    QUESTION_IN_YOUR_SURVEY = 'vm-message'
+    TO_LISTEN_TO_SURVEY_QUESTION = 'to-listen-to-it'
+    TO_RECORD_A_NEW_SURVEY_QUESTION = 'to-rerecord-it'
+    TO_FINISH_SURVEY_SETUP = 'vm-helpexit'
+    def setupSurvey(self, agi):
+        """AGI application to allow the user to set up the survey
+        Screen 1:
+            You have # questions.
+            To listen to a question, press the number of the question.
+            To record a new question, press pound.
+            To finish setup, press star.
+        """
+        seq = fastagi.InSequence()
+        seq.append(agi.wait, 2)
+        base = """You currently have %s question%s.
+        To listen to a question press the number of the question.
+        To record a new question, press pound.
+        To finish survey setup, press star.
+        """ % (
+            len(self.questions),
+            ['', 's'][len(self.questions) == 1],
+        )
+        if len(base) != 1:
+            base += 's'
+        base = " ".join(base.split())
+        seq.append(agi.execute, 'Festival', base)
+        seq.append(agi.finish,)
+        return seq()
+        seq.append(agi.streamFile, self.YOU_CURRENTLY_HAVE)
+        seq.append(agi.sayNumber, len(self.questions))
+        if len(self.questions) == 1:
+            seq.append(agi.streamFile, self.QUESTION_IN_YOUR_SURVEY)
+        else:
+            seq.append(agi.streamFile, self.QUESTIONS_IN_YOUR_SURVEY)
+        seq.append(agi.streamFile, self.TO_LISTEN_TO_SURVEY_QUESTION)
+        seq.append(agi.streamFile, self.TO_RECORD_A_NEW_SURVEY_QUESTION)
+        seq.append(agi.streamFile, self.TO_FINISH_SURVEY_SETUP)
+        seq.append(agi.finish,)
+        return seq()
+    def newQuestionId(self):
+        """Return a new, unique, question id"""
+        bad = True
+        while bad:
+            bad = False
+            id = random.randint(0, sys.maxint)
+            for question in self.questions:
+                if id == question.__dict__.get('questionId'):
+                    bad = True
+        return id
+class Question(propertied.Propertied):
+    survey = weak.WeakProperty(
+        "survey", """Our survey object""",
+    )
+    questionId = common.IntegerProperty(
+        "questionId", """Unique identifier for our question""",
+        defaultFunction=lambda prop, client: client.survey.newQuestionId(),
+    )
+    def recordQuestion(self, agi, number=None):
+        """Record a question (number)"""
+        return agi.recordFile(
+            '%s.%s' % (self.survey.surveyId, self.questionId),
+            'gsm',
+            '#*',
+            timeout=60,
+            beep=True,
+            silence=5,
+        ).addCallback(
+            self.onRecorded, agi=agi
+        ).addErrback(self.onRecordAborted, agi=agi)
+    def onRecorded(self, result, agi):
+        """Handle recording of the question"""
+        pass
+def getManagerAPI(username, password, server='', port=5038):
+    """Retrieve a logged-in manager API"""
 class SurveySetup(rend.Page):
-	"""Page displaying the survey setup"""
-	addSlash = True
-	docFactory = loaders.htmlfile( 'index.html' )
-class RecordFunction( rend.Page ):
-	"""Page/application to record survey via call to user"""
-	def renderHTTP( self, ctx ):
-		"""Process rendering of the request"""
-		# process request parameters...
-		request = inevow.IRequest( ctx )
-		# XXX sanitise and check value...
-		channel = 'SIP/%s'%( request.args['ownerName'][0], )
-		df = APPLICATION.amiSpecifier.login()
-		def onLogin( ami ):
-			# Note that the connect comes in *before* the originate returns,
-			# so we need to wait for the call before we even send it...
-			userConnectDF = APPLICATION.waitForCallOn( '23', timeout=15 )
-			APPLICATION.surveys['23'] = survey = Survey()
-			userConnectDF.addCallback( 
-				survey.setupSurvey, 
-			)
-			def onComplete( result ):
-				return ami.logoff()
-			ami.originate(# don't wait for this to complete...
-				# XXX handle case where the originate fails differently
-				# from the case where we just don't get a connection?
-				channel,
-				APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.context,
-				'23',
-				'1',
-				timeout=14,
-			).addCallbacks( onComplete, onComplete )
-			return userConnectDF
-		return df.addCallback( onLogin )
+    """Page displaying the survey setup"""
+    addSlash = True
+    docFactory = loaders.htmlfile('index.html')
+class RecordFunction(rend.Page):
+    """Page/application to record survey via call to user"""
+    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
+        """Process rendering of the request"""
+        # process request parameters...
+        request = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
+        # XXX sanitise and check value...
+        channel = 'SIP/%s' % (request.args['ownerName'][0],)
+        df = APPLICATION.amiSpecifier.login()
+        def onLogin(ami):
+            # Note that the connect comes in *before* the originate returns,
+            # so we need to wait for the call before we even send it...
+            userConnectDF = APPLICATION.waitForCallOn('23', timeout=15)
+            APPLICATION.surveys['23'] = survey = Survey()
+            userConnectDF.addCallback(survey.setupSurvey,)
+            def onComplete(result):
+                return ami.logoff()
+            ami.originate(
+                # don't wait for this to complete...
+                # XXX handle case where the originate fails differently
+                # from the case where we just don't get a connection?
+                channel,
+                APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.context,
+                '23',
+                '1',
+                timeout=14,
+            ).addCallbacks(onComplete, onComplete)
+            return userConnectDF
+        return df.addCallback(onLogin)
 def main():
-	"""Create the web-site"""
-	s = SurveySetup()
-	s.putChild( 'record', RecordFunction() )
-	site = appserver.NevowSite(s)
-	webServer = internet.TCPServer(8080, site)
-	webServer.startService()
+    """Create the web-site"""
+    s = SurveySetup()
+    s.putChild('record', RecordFunction())
+    site = appserver.NevowSite(s)
+    webServer = internet.TCPServer(8080, site)
+    webServer.startService()
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	logging.basicConfig()
-	log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	manager.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	fastagi.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	APPLICATION = Application()
-	APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.run( APPLICATION.dispatchIncomingCall )
-	from twisted.internet import reactor
-	reactor.callWhenRunning( main )
-	reactor.run()
+    logging.basicConfig()
+    log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    manager.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    fastagi.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    APPLICATION = Application()
+    APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.run(APPLICATION.dispatchIncomingCall)
+    reactor.callWhenRunning(main)
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/examples/calldurationcallback.py b/examples/calldurationcallback.py
index 00c8260..6ed6cc3 100644
--- a/examples/calldurationcallback.py
+++ b/examples/calldurationcallback.py
@@ -6,26 +6,29 @@
 for the end of the call, then call them back with the
 duration message.
-from twisted.application import service, internet
 from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
-from starpy import manager, fastagi
+from starpy import fastagi
 import utilapplication
 import menu
-import os, logging, pprint, time
+import logging
+import time
-log = logging.getLogger( 'callduration' )
+log = logging.getLogger('callduration')
-class Application( utilapplication.UtilApplication ):
+class Application(utilapplication.UtilApplication):
     """Application for the call duration callback mechanism"""
-    def onS( self, agi ):
+    def onS(self, agi):
         """Incoming AGI connection to the "s" extension (start operation)"""
-        log.info( """New call tracker""" )
+        log.info("""New call tracker""")
         c = CallTracker()
-        return c.recordChannelInfo( agi ).addErrback(
+        return c.recordChannelInfo(agi).addErrback(
             agi.jumpOnError, difference=100,
-class CallTracker( object ):
+class CallTracker(object):
     """Object which tracks duration of a single call
     This object encapsulates the entire interaction with the user, from
@@ -37,7 +40,8 @@
     as all numeric extensions.
     ourContext = 'callduration'
-    def __init__( self ):
+    def __init__(self):
         """Initialise the tracker object"""
         self.uniqueChannelId = None
         self.currentChannel = None
@@ -47,135 +51,151 @@
         self.ami = None
         self.startTime = None
         self.stopTime = None
-    def recordChannelInfo( self, agi ):
+    def recordChannelInfo(self, agi):
         """Records relevant channel information, creates manager watcher"""
         self.uniqueChannelId = agi.variables['agi_uniqueid']
         self.currentChannel = currentChannel = agi.variables['agi_channel']
-        # XXX everything up to the last - is normally our local caller's "address"
+        # XXX everything up to the last - normally our local caller's "address"
         # this is not, however, a great way to decide who to call back...
-        self.callbackChannel = currentChannel.rsplit( '-', 1)[0]
+        self.callbackChannel = currentChannel.rsplit('-', 1)[0]
         # Ask user for the account number...
         df = menu.CollectDigits(
-            soundFile = 'your-account',
-            maxDigits = 7,
-            minDigits = 3,
-            timeout = 5,
-        )( agi ).addCallback(
-            self.onAccountInput,agi=agi,
+            soundFile='your-account',
+            maxDigits=7,
+            minDigits=3,
+            timeout=5,
+        )(agi).addCallback(
+            self.onAccountInput, agi=agi,
         # XXX handle AMI login failure...
         amiDF = APPLICATION.amiSpecifier.login(
-        ).addCallback( self.onAMIConnect )
-        dl = defer.DeferredList( [df, amiDF] )
-        return dl.addCallback( self.onConnectAndAccount )
-    def onAccountInput( self, result, agi, retries=2):
+        ).addCallback(self.onAMIConnect)
+        dl = defer.DeferredList([df, amiDF])
+        return dl.addCallback(self.onConnectAndAccount)
+    def onAccountInput(self, result, agi, retries=2):
         """Allow user to enter again if timed out"""
         self.account = result[0][1]
         self.startTime = time.time()
-        agi.finish() # let the user go about their business...
+        agi.finish()  # let the user go about their business...
         return agi
-    def cleanUp( self, agi=None ):
+    def cleanUp(self, agi=None):
         """Cleanup on error as much as possible"""
         items = []
         if self.ami:
-            items.append( self.ami.logoff())
+            items.append(self.ami.logoff())
             self.ami = None
         if items:
-            return defer.DeferredList( items )
+            return defer.DeferredList(items)
-            return defer.succeed( False )
-    def onAMIConnect( self, ami ):
+            return defer.succeed(False)
+    def onAMIConnect(self, ami):
         """We have successfully connected to the AMI"""
-        log.debug( "AMI login complete" )
+        log.debug("AMI login complete")
         if not self.cancelled:
             self.ami = ami
             return ami
             return self.ami.logoff()
-    def onConnectAndAccount( self, results ):
+    def onConnectAndAccount(self, results):
         """We have connected and retrieved an account"""
-        log.info( """AMI Connected and account information gathered: %s""", self.uniqueChannelId )
+        log.info("""AMI Connected and account information gathered: %s""",
+                 self.uniqueChannelId)
         df = defer.Deferred()
-        def onChannelHangup( ami, event ):
+        def onChannelHangup(ami, event):
             """Deal with the hangup of an event"""
             if event['uniqueid'] == self.uniqueChannelId:
-                log.info( """AMI Detected close of our channel: %s""", self.uniqueChannelId )
+                log.info("""AMI Detected close of our channel: %s""",
+                         self.uniqueChannelId)
                 self.stopTime = time.time()
                 # give the user a few seconds to put down the hand-set
-                reactor.callLater( 2, df.callback, event )
-                self.ami.deregisterEvent( 'Hangup', onChannelHangup )
-            log.debug( 'event:', event )
+                reactor.callLater(2, df.callback, event)
+                self.ami.deregisterEvent('Hangup', onChannelHangup)
+            log.debug('event:', event)
         if not self.cancelled:
-            self.ami.registerEvent( 'Hangup', onChannelHangup )
-            return df.addCallback( self.onHangup, callbacks=5 )
-    def onHangup( self, event, callbacks=5 ):
+            self.ami.registerEvent('Hangup', onChannelHangup)
+            return df.addCallback(self.onHangup, callbacks=5)
+    def onHangup(self, event, callbacks=5):
         """Okay, the call is finished, time to inform the user"""
-        log.debug( 'onHangup %s %s', event, callbacks )
-        def ignoreResult( result ):
+        log.debug('onHangup %s %s', event, callbacks)
+        def ignoreResult(result):
             """Since we're using an equal timeout waiting for a connect
             we don't care *how* this fails/succeeds"""
             self.ourContext, id(self), 1,
-            timeout = 15,
-        ).addCallbacks( ignoreResult, ignoreResult )
-        df = APPLICATION.waitForCallOn( id(self), 15 )
+            timeout=15,
+        ).addCallbacks(ignoreResult, ignoreResult)
+        df = APPLICATION.waitForCallOn(id(self), 15)
             self.onUserReconnected, self.onUserReconnectFail,
-            errbackKeywords = { 'event': event, 'callbacks': callbacks-1 },
+            errbackKeywords={'event': event, 'callbacks': callbacks-1},
-    def onUserReconnectFail( self, reason, event, callbacks ):
+    def onUserReconnectFail(self, reason, event, callbacks):
         """Wait for bit, then retry..."""
         if callbacks:
             # XXX really want something like a decaying back-off in frequency
             # with final values of e.g. an hour...
-            log.info( """Failure connecting: will retry in 30 seconds""" )
-            reactor.callLater( 30, self.onHangup, event, callbacks )
+            log.info("""Failure connecting: will retry in 30 seconds""")
+            reactor.callLater(30, self.onHangup, event, callbacks)
-            log.error( """Unable to connect to user, giving up""" )
-            return self.cleanUp( None )
-    def onUserReconnected( self, agi ):
+            log.error("""Unable to connect to user, giving up""")
+            return self.cleanUp(None)
+    def onUserReconnected(self, agi):
         """Handle the user interaction after they've re-connected"""
-        log.info( """Connection re-established with the user""" )
+        log.info("""Connection re-established with the user""")
         # XXX should handle unexpected failures in here...
         delta = self.stopTime - self.startTime
-        minutes, seconds = divmod( delta, 60 )
+        minutes, seconds = divmod(delta, 60)
         seconds = int(seconds)
-        hours, minutes = divmod( minutes, 60 )
+        hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
         duration = []
         if hours:
-            duration.append( '%s hour%s'%(hours,['','s'][hours!=1]))
+            duration.append('%s hour%s' % (hours, ['', 's'][hours != 1]))
         if minutes:
-            duration.append( '%s second%s'%(minutes,['','s'][minutes!=1]))
+            duration.append('%s second%s' % (minutes, ['', 's'][minutes != 1]))
         if seconds:
-            duration.append( '%s second%s'%(seconds,['','s'][seconds!=1]))
+            duration.append('%s second%s' % (seconds, ['', 's'][seconds != 1]))
         if not duration:
             duration = '0'
-            duration = " ".join( duration )
-        seq = fastagi.InSequence( )
-        seq.append( agi.wait, 1 )
-        seq.append( agi.execute, "Festival", "Call to account %r took %s"%(self.account,duration) )
-        seq.append( agi.wait, 1 )
-        seq.append( agi.execute, "Festival", "Repeating, call to account %r took %s"%(self.account,duration) )
-        seq.append( agi.wait, 1 )
-        seq.append( agi.finish )
-        def logSuccess( ):
-            log.debug( """Finished successfully!""" )
-            return defer.succeed( True )
-        seq.append( logSuccess )
-        seq.append( self.cleanUp, agi )
+            duration = " ".join(duration)
+        seq = fastagi.InSequence()
+        seq.append(agi.wait, 1)
+        seq.append(agi.execute, "Festival", "Call to account %r took %s" % (
+                   self.account, duration))
+        seq.append(agi.wait, 1)
+        seq.append(agi.execute, "Festival",
+                   "Repeating, call to account %r took %s" % (
+                       self.account, duration))
+        seq.append(agi.wait, 1)
+        seq.append(agi.finish)
+        def logSuccess():
+            log.debug("""Finished successfully!""")
+            return defer.succeed(True)
+        seq.append(logSuccess)
+        seq.append(self.cleanUp, agi)
         return seq()
 APPLICATION = Application()
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-    #manager.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-    #fastagi.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-    APPLICATION.handleCallsFor( 's', APPLICATION.onS )
-    APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.run( APPLICATION.dispatchIncomingCall )
-    from twisted.internet import reactor
+    log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    # manager.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    # fastagi.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    APPLICATION.handleCallsFor('s', APPLICATION.onS)
+    APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.run(APPLICATION.dispatchIncomingCall)
diff --git a/examples/connecttoivr.py b/examples/connecttoivr.py
index 24dcf63..3790390 100644
--- a/examples/connecttoivr.py
+++ b/examples/connecttoivr.py
@@ -1,38 +1,46 @@
 """Example script to generate a call to connect a remote channel to an IVR"""
 from starpy import manager
 from twisted.internet import reactor
-import sys, logging
+import sys
+import logging
-def main( channel = 'sip/20035 at aci.on.ca', connectTo=('outgoing','s','1') ):
-	f = manager.AMIFactory(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
-	df = f.login()
-	def onLogin( protocol ):
-		"""On Login, attempt to originate the call"""
-		context, extension, priority = connectTo
-		df = protocol.originate(
-			channel,
-			context,extension,priority,
-		)
-		def onFinished( result ):
-			df = protocol.logoff()
-			def onLogoff( result ):
-				reactor.stop()
-			return df.addCallbacks( onLogoff, onLogoff )
-		def onFailure( reason ):
-			print reason.getTraceback()
-			return reason 
-		df.addErrback( onFailure )
-		df.addCallbacks( onFinished, onFinished )
-		return df 
-	def onFailure( reason ):
-		"""Unable to log in!"""
-		print reason.getTraceback()
-		reactor.stop()
-	df.addCallbacks( onLogin, onFailure )
-	return df
+def main(channel='sip/20035 at aci.on.ca', connectTo=('outgoing', 's', '1')):
+    f = manager.AMIFactory(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
+    df = f.login()
+    def onLogin(protocol):
+        """On Login, attempt to originate the call"""
+        context, extension, priority = connectTo
+        df = protocol.originate(
+            channel,
+            context, extension, priority,
+        )
+        def onFinished(result):
+            df = protocol.logoff()
+            def onLogoff(result):
+                reactor.stop()
+            return df.addCallbacks(onLogoff, onLogoff)
+        def onFailure(reason):
+            print(reason.getTraceback())
+            return reason
+        df.addErrback(onFailure)
+        df.addCallbacks(onFinished, onFinished)
+        return df
+    def onFailure(reason):
+        """Unable to log in!"""
+        print(reason.getTraceback())
+        reactor.stop()
+    df.addCallbacks(onLogin, onFailure)
+    return df
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	manager.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	logging.basicConfig()
-	reactor.callWhenRunning( main )
-	reactor.run()
+    manager.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    logging.basicConfig()
+    reactor.callWhenRunning(main)
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/examples/connecttoivrapp.py b/examples/connecttoivrapp.py
index aeed61d..829ab66 100644
--- a/examples/connecttoivrapp.py
+++ b/examples/connecttoivrapp.py
@@ -3,35 +3,41 @@
 This version of the script uses the utilapplication framework and is
 pared down for presentation on a series of slides
-from starpy import manager
 import utilapplication
 from twisted.internet import reactor
-import sys, logging
+import logging
 APPLICATION = utilapplication.UtilApplication()
-def main( channel = 'sip/4167290048 at testout', connectTo=('outgoing','s','1') ):
-	df = APPLICATION.amiSpecifier.login()
-	def onLogin( protocol ):
-		"""We've logged into the manager, generate a call and log off"""
-		context, extension, priority = connectTo
-		df = protocol.originate(
-			channel,
-			context,extension,priority,
-		)
-		def onFinished( result ):
-			return protocol.logoff()
-		df.addCallbacks( onFinished, onFinished )
-		return df 
-	def onFailure( reason ):
-		print reason.getTraceback()
-	def onFinished( result ):
-		reactor.stop()
-	df.addCallbacks( 
-		onLogin, onFailure 
-	).addCallbacks( onFinished, onFinished )
-	return df
+def main(channel='sip/4167290048 at testout', connectTo=('outgoing', 's', '1')):
+    df = APPLICATION.amiSpecifier.login()
+    def onLogin(protocol):
+        """We've logged into the manager, generate a call and log off"""
+        context, extension, priority = connectTo
+        df = protocol.originate(
+            channel,
+            context, extension, priority,
+        )
+        def onFinished(result):
+            return protocol.logoff()
+        df.addCallbacks(onFinished, onFinished)
+        return df
+    def onFailure(reason):
+        print(reason.getTraceback())
+    def onFinished(result):
+        reactor.stop()
+    df.addCallbacks(
+        onLogin, onFailure
+    ).addCallbacks(onFinished, onFinished)
+    return df
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	logging.basicConfig()
-	reactor.callWhenRunning( main )
-	reactor.run()
+    logging.basicConfig()
+    reactor.callWhenRunning(main)
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/examples/fastagisetvariable.py b/examples/fastagisetvariable.py
index 44c3da7..3a4b774 100644
--- a/examples/fastagisetvariable.py
+++ b/examples/fastagisetvariable.py
@@ -3,26 +3,31 @@
 from twisted.internet import reactor
 from starpy import fastagi
 import utilapplication
-import logging, time
+import logging
-log = logging.getLogger( 'hellofastagi' )
+log = logging.getLogger('hellofastagi')
-def testFunction( agi ):
-	"""Demonstrate simplistic use of the AGI interface with sequence of actions"""
-	log.debug( 'testFunction' )
-	def setX( ):
-		return agi.setVariable( 'this"toset', 'That"2set' )
-	def getX( result ):
-		return agi.getVariable( 'this"toset' )
-	def onX( value ):
-		print 'Retrieved value', value 
-		reactor.stop()
-	return setX().addCallback( getX ).addCallbacks( onX, onX )
+def testFunction(agi):
+    """Demonstrate simple use of the AGI interface with sequence of actions"""
+    log.debug('testFunction')
+    def setX():
+        return agi.setVariable('this"toset', 'That"2set')
+    def getX(result):
+        return agi.getVariable('this"toset')
+    def onX(value):
+        print('Retrieved value', value)
+        reactor.stop()
+    return setX().addCallback(getX).addCallbacks(onX, onX)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	logging.basicConfig()
-	fastagi.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	APPLICATION = utilapplication.UtilApplication()
-	APPLICATION.handleCallsFor( 's', testFunction )
-	APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.run( APPLICATION.dispatchIncomingCall )
-	reactor.run()
+    logging.basicConfig()
+    fastagi.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    APPLICATION = utilapplication.UtilApplication()
+    APPLICATION.handleCallsFor('s', testFunction)
+    APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.run(APPLICATION.dispatchIncomingCall)
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/examples/getvariable.py b/examples/getvariable.py
index 6929240..43a8e60 100644
--- a/examples/getvariable.py
+++ b/examples/getvariable.py
@@ -4,56 +4,63 @@
 from twisted.internet import reactor
 from starpy import fastagi
 import utilapplication
-import logging, time, pprint
+import logging
+import pprint
-log = logging.getLogger( 'hellofastagi' )
+log = logging.getLogger('hellofastagi')
-def envVars( agi ):
-	"""Print out channel variables for display"""
-	vars = [
-		x.split( ' -- ' )[0].strip() 
-		for x in agi.getVariable.__doc__.splitlines()
-		if len(x.split( ' -- ' )) == 2
-	]
-	for var in vars:
-		yield var 
-def printVar( result, agi, vars ):
-	"""Print out the variables produced by envVars"""
-	def doPrint( result, var ):
-		print '%r -- %r'%( var, result )
-	def notAvailable( reason, var ):
-		print '%r -- UNDEFINED'%( var, )
-	try:
-		var = vars.next()
-	except StopIteration, err:
-		return None
-	else:
-		return agi.getVariable( var ).addCallback( doPrint, var ).addErrback(
-			notAvailable, var,
-		).addCallback(
-			printVar, agi, vars,
-		)
+def envVars(agi):
+    """Print out channel variables for display"""
+    vars = [
+        x.split(' -- ')[0].strip()
+        for x in agi.getVariable.__doc__.splitlines()
+        if len(x.split(' -- ')) == 2
+    ]
+    for var in vars:
+        yield var
-def testFunction( agi ):
-	"""Print out known AGI variables"""
-	log.debug( 'testFunction' )
-	print 'AGI Variables'
-	pprint.pprint( agi.variables )
-	print 'Channel Variables'
-	sequence = fastagi.InSequence()
-	sequence.append( printVar, None, agi, envVars(agi) )
-	sequence.append( agi.finish )
-	def onFailure( reason ):
-		log.error( "Failure: %s", reason.getTraceback())
-		agi.finish()
-	return sequence().addErrback( onFailure )
+def printVar(result, agi, vars):
+    """Print out the variables produced by envVars"""
+    def doPrint(result, var):
+        print('%r -- %r' % (var, result))
+    def notAvailable(reason, var):
+        print('%r -- UNDEFINED' % (var,))
+    try:
+        var = vars.next()
+    except StopIteration as err:
+        return None
+    else:
+        return agi.getVariable(var).addCallback(doPrint, var).addErrback(
+            notAvailable, var,
+        ).addCallback(
+            printVar, agi, vars,
+        )
+def testFunction(agi):
+    """Print out known AGI variables"""
+    log.debug('testFunction')
+    print('AGI Variables')
+    pprint.pprint(agi.variables)
+    print('Channel Variables')
+    sequence = fastagi.InSequence()
+    sequence.append(printVar, None, agi, envVars(agi))
+    sequence.append(agi.finish)
+    def onFailure(reason):
+        log.error("Failure: %s", reason.getTraceback())
+        agi.finish()
+    return sequence().addErrback(onFailure)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	logging.basicConfig()
-	#fastagi.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	APPLICATION = utilapplication.UtilApplication()
-	APPLICATION.handleCallsFor( 's', testFunction )
-	APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.run( APPLICATION.dispatchIncomingCall )
-	reactor.run()
+    logging.basicConfig()
+    # fastagi.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    APPLICATION = utilapplication.UtilApplication()
+    APPLICATION.handleCallsFor('s', testFunction)
+    APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.run(APPLICATION.dispatchIncomingCall)
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/examples/hellofastagi.py b/examples/hellofastagi.py
index 1434dad..f491ca4 100644
--- a/examples/hellofastagi.py
+++ b/examples/hellofastagi.py
@@ -2,24 +2,30 @@
 """Simple FastAGI server using starpy"""
 from twisted.internet import reactor
 from starpy import fastagi
-import logging, time
+import logging
+import time
-log = logging.getLogger( 'hellofastagi' )
-def testFunction( agi ):
-	"""Demonstrate simplistic use of the AGI interface with sequence of actions"""
-	log.debug( 'testFunction' )
-	sequence = fastagi.InSequence()
-	sequence.append( agi.sayDateTime, time.time() )
-	sequence.append( agi.finish )
-	def onFailure( reason ):
-		log.error( "Failure: %s", reason.getTraceback())
-		agi.finish()
-	return sequence().addErrback( onFailure )
+log = logging.getLogger('hellofastagi')
+def testFunction(agi):
+    """Demonstrate simple use of the AGI interface with sequence of actions"""
+    log.debug('testFunction')
+    sequence = fastagi.InSequence()
+    sequence.append(agi.sayDateTime, time.time())
+    sequence.append(agi.finish)
+    def onFailure(reason):
+        log.error("Failure: %s", reason.getTraceback())
+        agi.finish()
+    return sequence().addErrback(onFailure)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	logging.basicConfig()
-	fastagi.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	f = fastagi.FastAGIFactory(testFunction)
-	reactor.listenTCP(4573, f, 50, '') # only binding on local interface
-	reactor.run()
+    logging.basicConfig()
+    fastagi.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    f = fastagi.FastAGIFactory(testFunction)
+    # only binding on local interface
+    reactor.listenTCP(4573, f, 50, '')
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/examples/hellofastagiapp.py b/examples/hellofastagiapp.py
index 51bc06c..6ed80be 100644
--- a/examples/hellofastagiapp.py
+++ b/examples/hellofastagiapp.py
@@ -7,25 +7,29 @@
 from twisted.internet import reactor
 from starpy import fastagi
 import utilapplication
-import logging, time
+import logging
+import time
-log = logging.getLogger( 'hellofastagi' )
+log = logging.getLogger('hellofastagi')
-def testFunction( agi ):
-	"""Demonstrate simplistic use of the AGI interface with sequence of actions"""
-	log.debug( 'testFunction' )
-	sequence = fastagi.InSequence()
-	sequence.append( agi.sayDateTime, time.time() )
-	sequence.append( agi.finish )
-	def onFailure( reason ):
-		log.error( "Failure: %s", reason.getTraceback())
-		agi.finish()
-	return sequence().addErrback( onFailure )
+def testFunction(agi):
+    """Demonstrate simple use of the AGI interface with sequence of actions"""
+    log.debug('testFunction')
+    sequence = fastagi.InSequence()
+    sequence.append(agi.sayDateTime, time.time())
+    sequence.append(agi.finish)
+    def onFailure(reason):
+        log.error("Failure: %s", reason.getTraceback())
+        agi.finish()
+    return sequence().addErrback(onFailure)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	logging.basicConfig()
-	fastagi.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	APPLICATION = utilapplication.UtilApplication()
-	APPLICATION.handleCallsFor( 's', testFunction )
-	APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.run( APPLICATION.dispatchIncomingCall )
-	reactor.run()
+    logging.basicConfig()
+    fastagi.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    APPLICATION = utilapplication.UtilApplication()
+    APPLICATION.handleCallsFor('s', testFunction)
+    APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.run(APPLICATION.dispatchIncomingCall)
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/examples/menu.py b/examples/menu.py
index a847c2d..847e255 100644
--- a/examples/menu.py
+++ b/examples/menu.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # StarPy -- Asterisk Protocols for Twisted
 # Copyright (c) 2006, Michael C. Fletcher
 # Michael C. Fletcher <mcfletch at vrplumber.com>
@@ -29,34 +29,38 @@
 XXX add the reject/accept menus to the CollectDigits (requires soundfiles
 in standard locations on the server, complicates install)
-from twisted.application import service, internet
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
-from starpy import manager, fastagi, error
-import utilapplication
-import os, logging, pprint, time
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from starpy import error
+import os
+import sys
+import logging
 from basicproperty import common, propertied, basic
 log = logging.getLogger('menu')
 class Interaction(propertied.Propertied):
     """Base class for user-interaction operations"""
     ALL_DIGITS = '0123456789*#'
     timeout = common.FloatProperty(
         "timeout", """Duration to wait for response before repeating message""",
-        defaultValue = 5,
+        defaultValue=5,
     maxRepetitions = common.IntegerProperty(
         "maxRepetitions", """Maximum number of times to play before failure""",
-        defaultValue = 5,
+        defaultValue=5,
     onSuccess = basic.BasicProperty(
-        "onSuccess", """Optional callback for success with signature method( result, runner )""",
+        "onSuccess",
+        """Optional callback for success with signature method( result, runner )""",
     onFailure = basic.BasicProperty(
-        "onFailure", """Optional callback for failure with signature method( result, runner )""",
+        "onFailure",
+        """Optional callback for failure with signature method( result, runner )""",
     runnerClass = None
     def __call__(self, agi, *args, **named):
         """Initiate AGI-based interaction with the user"""
         return self.runnerClass(model=self, agi=agi)(*args, **named)
@@ -67,6 +71,7 @@
     agi = basic.BasicProperty(
         "agi", """The AGI instance we use to communicate with the user""",
     def defaultFinalDF(prop, client):
         """Produce the default finalDF with onSuccess/onFailure support"""
         df = defer.Deferred()
@@ -80,13 +85,13 @@
         return df
     finalDF = basic.BasicProperty(
         "finalDF", """Final deferred we will callback/errback on success/failure""",
-        defaultFunction = defaultFinalDF,
+        defaultFunction=defaultFinalDF,
     del defaultFinalDF
     alreadyRepeated = common.IntegerProperty(
         "alreadyRepeated", """Number of times we've repeated the message...""",
-        defaultValue = 0,
+        defaultValue=0,
     model = basic.BasicProperty(
         "model", """The data-model that we are presenting to the user (e.g. Menu)""",
@@ -94,7 +99,7 @@
     def returnResult(self, result):
         """Return result of deferred to our original caller"""
-        log.debug('returnResult: %s %s', self.model,result)
+        log.debug('returnResult: %s %s', self.model, result)
         if not self.finalDF.called:
             self.finalDF.debug = True
@@ -117,20 +122,23 @@
         """Take set of prompt-compatible objects and produce a PromptRunner for them"""
         realPrompt = []
         for p in prompt:
-            if isinstance(p, (str, unicode)):
+            if isinstance(p, str):
+                p = AudioPrompt(p)
+            elif sys.version_info <= (3, 0) and isinstance(p, unicode):  # noqa
                 p = AudioPrompt(p)
             elif isinstance(p, int):
                 p = NumberPrompt(p)
             elif not isinstance(p, Prompt):
-                raise TypeError( """Unknown prompt element type on %r: %s"""%(
-                    p, p.__class__,
-                ))
+                raise TypeError(
+                    """Unknown prompt element type on %r: %s""" % (
+                        p, p.__class__, )
+                )
         return PromptRunner(
-            elements = realPrompt,
-            escapeDigits = self.escapeDigits,
-            agi = self.agi,
-            timeout = self.model.timeout,
+            elements=realPrompt,
+            escapeDigits=self.escapeDigits,
+            agi=self.agi,
+            timeout=self.model.timeout,
@@ -151,7 +159,7 @@
             # easiest possibility, just read out the file...
             return self.agi.getData(
                 soundFile, timeout=self.model.timeout,
-                maxDigits = getattr(self.model, 'maxDigits', None),
+                maxDigits=getattr(self.model, 'maxDigits', None),
             raise NotImplemented("""Haven't got non-soundfile menus working yet""")
@@ -166,8 +174,9 @@
                 return False, 'Too few digits'
         return True, None
-    def onReadDigits(self, (digits,timeout)):
+    def onReadDigits(self, values):
         """Deal with succesful result from reading digits"""
+        (digits, timeout) = values
         log.info("""onReadDigits: %r, %s""", digits, timeout)
         valid, reason = self.validEntry(digits)
         if (not digits) and (not timeout):
@@ -183,7 +192,8 @@
             self.alreadyRepeated += 1
             if self.alreadyRepeated >= self.model.maxRepetitions:
-                log.warn("""User did not complete digit-entry for %s, timing out""", self.model)
+                log.warn("""User did not complete digit-entry for %s, timing out""",
+                         self.model)
                 raise error.MenuTimeout(
                     """User did not finish digit-entry in %s passes of collection""" % (
@@ -201,6 +211,7 @@
     expected = common.StringLocaleProperty(
         "expected", """The value expected/required from the user for this run""",
     def __call__(self, expected, *args, **named):
         """Begin the AGI processing for the menu"""
         self.expected = expected
@@ -223,9 +234,10 @@
     """Audio-collection runner, records user audio to a file on the asterisk server"""
     escapeDigits = common.StringLocaleProperty(
         "escapeDigits", """Set of digits which escape from recording""",
-        defaultFunction = lambda prop, client: client.model.escapeDigits,
-        setDefaultOnGet = False,
+        defaultFunction=lambda prop, client: client.model.escapeDigits,
+        setDefaultOnGet=False,
     def __call__(self, *args, **named):
         """Begin the AGI processing for the menu"""
@@ -252,7 +264,7 @@
             return self.collectAudio()
-    def collectAudio( self ):
+    def collectAudio(self):
         """We're supposed to record audio from the user with our model's parameters"""
         # XXX use a temporary file for recording the audio, then move to final destination
@@ -280,8 +292,8 @@
         digits, typeOfExit, endpos = result
         if typeOfExit in ('hangup', 'timeout'):
             # expected common-case for recording...
-            return self.returnResult((self,(digits,typeOfExit,endpos)))
-        elif typeOfExit =='dtmf':
+            return self.returnResult((self, (digits, typeOfExit, endpos)))
+        elif typeOfExit == 'dtmf':
             raise error.MenuExit(
                 """User cancelled entry of audio""",
@@ -297,7 +309,7 @@
             """Failure collecting audio for CollectAudio instance %s: %s""",
             self.model, reason.getTraceback(),
-        return reason # re-raise the error...
+        return reason  # re-raise the error...
     def moveToFinal(self, result):
         """On succesful recording, move temporaryFile to final file"""
@@ -305,13 +317,12 @@
             'Moving recorded audio %r to final destination %r',
             self.model.temporaryFile, self.model.filename
-        import os
                 '%s.%s' % (self.model.temporaryFile, self.model.format),
                 '%s.%s' % (self.model.filename, self.model.format),
-        except (OSError, IOError), err:
+        except (OSError, IOError) as err:
                 """Unable to move temporary recording file %r to target file %r: %s""",
                 self.model.temporaryFile, self.model.filename,
@@ -324,6 +335,7 @@
 class MenuRunner(Runner):
     """User's single interaction with a given menu"""
     def defaultEscapeDigits(prop, client):
         """Return the default escape digits for the given client"""
         if client.model.tellInvalid:
@@ -333,9 +345,9 @@
         return escapeDigits
     escapeDigits = common.StringLocaleProperty(
         "escapeDigits", """Set of digits which escape from prompts to choose option""",
-        defaultFunction = defaultEscapeDigits,
+        defaultFunction=defaultEscapeDigits,
-    del defaultEscapeDigits # clean up namespace
+    del defaultEscapeDigits  # clean up namespace
     def __call__(self, *args, **named):
         """Begin the AGI processing for the menu"""
@@ -353,7 +365,8 @@
         if not pressed:
             self.alreadyRepeated += 1
             if self.alreadyRepeated >= self.model.maxRepetitions:
-                log.warn("""User did not complete menu selection for %s, timing out""", self.model)
+                log.warn("""User did not complete menu selection for %s, timing out""",
+                         self.model)
                 if not self.finalDF.called:
                     raise error.MenuTimeout(
@@ -374,15 +387,16 @@
                             self.returnResult, self.returnError
                     elif hasattr(option, 'onSuccess'):
-                        return defer.maybeDeferred(option.onSuccess, pressed, self).addCallbacks(
-                            self.returnResult, self.returnError
-                        )
+                        return defer.maybeDeferred(option.onSuccess, pressed, self) \
+                            .addCallbacks(self.returnResult, self.returnError)
-                        return self.returnResult([(option,pressed),])
+                        return self.returnResult([(option, pressed), ])
             # but it wasn't anything we expected...
             if not self.model.tellInvalid:
                 raise error.MenuUnexpectedOption(
-                    self.model, """User somehow selected %r, which isn't a recognised option?""" % (pressed,),
+                    self.model,
+                    "User somehow selected %r, which isn't a recognised option?" % (
+                        pressed,),
                 return self.agi.getOption(
@@ -424,8 +438,9 @@
         "options", """Set of options the user may select""",
     tellInvalid = common.IntegerProperty(
-        "tellInvalid", """Whether to tell the user that their selection is unrecognised""",
-        defaultValue = True,
+        "tellInvalid",
+        """Whether to tell the user that their selection is unrecognised""",
+        defaultValue=True,
     runnerClass = MenuRunner
@@ -442,11 +457,12 @@
     menu = basic.BasicProperty(
         "menu", """The sub-menu we are presenting to the user""",
     def __call__(self, pressed, parent):
         """Get result from the sub-menu, add ourselves into the result"""
         def onResult(result):
             log.debug("""Child menu %s result: %s""", self.menu, result)
-            result.insert(0, (self,pressed))
+            result.insert(0, (self, pressed))
             return result
         def onFailure(reason):
@@ -460,6 +476,7 @@
 class ExitOn(Option):
     """An option which exits from the current menu level"""
     def __call__(self, pressed, parent):
         """Raise a MenuExit error"""
         raise error.MenuExit(
@@ -477,18 +494,21 @@
     readBack = common.BooleanProperty(
         "readBack", """Whether to read the entered value back to the user""",
-        defaultValue = False,
+        defaultValue=False,
     minDigits = common.IntegerProperty(
-        "minDigits", """Minimum number of digits to collect (only restricted if specified)""",
+        "minDigits",
+        """Minimum number of digits to collect (only restricted if specified)""",
     maxDigits = common.IntegerProperty(
-        "maxDigits", """Maximum number of digits to collect (only restricted if specified)""",
+        "maxDigits",
+        """Maximum number of digits to collect (only restricted if specified)""",
     runnerClass = CollectDigitsRunner
     tellInvalid = common.IntegerProperty(
-        "tellInvalid", """Whether to tell the user that their selection is unrecognised""",
-        defaultValue = True,
+        "tellInvalid",
+        """Whether to tell the user that their selection is unrecognised""",
+        defaultValue=True,
@@ -497,11 +517,11 @@
     runnerClass = CollectPasswordRunner
     escapeDigits = common.StringLocaleProperty(
         "escapeDigits", """Set of digits which escape from password entry""",
-        defaultValue = '',
+        defaultValue='',
     soundFile = common.StringLocaleProperty(
         "soundFile", """File (name) for the pre-recorded blurb""",
-        defaultValue = 'vm-password',
+        defaultValue='vm-password',
@@ -517,30 +537,31 @@
         "textPrompt", """Textual prompt describing the option""",
     temporaryFile = common.StringLocaleProperty(
-        "temporaryFile", """Temporary file into which to record the audio before moving to filename""",
+        "temporaryFile",
+        """Temporary file into which to record the audio before moving to filename""",
     filename = common.StringLocaleProperty(
         "filename", """Final filename into which to record the file...""",
     deleteOnFail = common.BooleanProperty(
         "deleteOnFail", """Whether to delete failed attempts to record a file""",
-        defaultValue = True
+        defaultValue=True
     escapeDigits = common.StringLocaleProperty(
         "escapeDigits", """Set of digits which escape from recording the file""",
-        defaultValue = '#*0123456789',
+        defaultValue='#*0123456789',
     timeout = common.FloatProperty(
         "timeout", """Duration to wait for recording (maximum record time)""",
-        defaultValue = 60,
+        defaultValue=60,
     silence = common.FloatProperty(
         "silence", """Duration to wait for recording (maximum record time)""",
-        defaultValue = 5,
+        defaultValue=5,
     beep = common.BooleanProperty(
         "beep", """Whether to play a "beep" sound at beginning of recording""",
-        defaultValue = True,
+        defaultValue=True,
     runnerClass = CollectAudioRunner
@@ -560,6 +581,7 @@
     timeout = common.FloatProperty(
         "timeout", """Timeout on data-entry after completed reading""",
     def __call__(self):
         """Return a deferred that chains all of the sub-prompts in order
@@ -575,7 +597,7 @@
             return result
             element = self.elements[index]
-        except IndexError, err:
+        except IndexError as err:
             # okay, do a waitForDigit from timeout seconds...
             return self.agi.waitForDigit(self.timeout).addCallback(
@@ -592,7 +614,7 @@
             # getOption result...
             if result[1] == 0:
                 # failure during load of the file...
-                log.warn("""Apparent failure during load of audio file: %s""", self.value)
+                log.warn("Apparent failure during load of audio file: %s", self.value)
                 result = 0
                 result = result[0]
@@ -601,7 +623,7 @@
                     result = ord(result)
                     result = 0
-        if result: # None or 0
+        if result:  # None or 0
             # User pressed a key during the reading...
             key = chr(result)
             if key in self.escapeDigits:
@@ -613,7 +635,7 @@
             # completed reading without any escape digits, continue reading
         return None
-    def processLast(self,result):
+    def processLast(self, result):
         if result is None:
             result = ''
         return result
@@ -624,6 +646,7 @@
     value = basic.BasicProperty(
         "value", """Filename to be read to the user""",
     def __init__(self, value, **named):
         named['value'] = value
         super(Prompt, self).__init__(**named)
@@ -648,6 +671,7 @@
     value = common.IntegerProperty(
         "value", """Integer numeral to read""",
     def read(self, agi, escapeDigits):
         """Read the audio prompt to the user"""
         return agi.sayNumber(self.value, escapeDigits)
@@ -671,8 +695,9 @@
     """Prompt that reads a date/time as a date"""
     format = basic.BasicProperty(
         "format", """Format in which to read the date to the user""",
-        defaultValue = None
+        defaultValue=None
     def read(self, agi, escapeDigits):
         """Read the audio prompt to the user"""
         return agi.sayDateTime(self.value, escapeDigits, format=self.format)
diff --git a/examples/menutest.py b/examples/menutest.py
index 55d6726..e7a1ab0 100644
--- a/examples/menutest.py
+++ b/examples/menutest.py
@@ -1,81 +1,80 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
 """Sample application to test the menuing utility classes"""
-from twisted.application import service, internet
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
-from starpy import manager, fastagi, error
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from starpy import fastagi
 import utilapplication
 import menu
-import os, logging, pprint, time
+import logging
-log = logging.getLogger( 'menutest' )
+log = logging.getLogger('menutest')
 mainMenu = menu.Menu(
-	prompt = '/home/mcfletch/starpydemo/soundfiles/menutest-toplevel',
-	#prompt = 'houston',
-	textPrompt = '''Top level of the menu test example
-	Pressing Star will exit this menu at any time.
-	Options zero and pound will exit with those options selected.
-	Option one will start a submenu.
-	Option two will start a digit-collecting sub-menu.
-	We'll tell you if you make an invalid selection here.''',
-	options = [
-		menu.Option( option='0' ),
-		menu.Option( option='#' ),
-		menu.ExitOn( option='*' ),
-		menu.SubMenu( 
-			option='1',
-			menu = menu.Menu(
-				prompt = '/home/mcfletch/starpydemo/soundfiles/menutest-secondlevel',
-				#prompt = 'atlantic',
-				textPrompt = '''A second-level menu in the menu test example
-				Pressing Star will exit this menu at any time.
-				Options zero and pound will exit the whole menu with those options selected.
-				We won't tell you if you make an invalid selection here.
-				''',
-				tellInvalid = False, # don't report incorrect selections
-				options = [
-					menu.Option( option='0' ),
-					menu.Option( option='#' ),
-					menu.ExitOn( option='*' ),
-				],
-			),
-		),
-		menu.SubMenu(
-			option='2',
-			menu = menu.CollectDigits(
-				textPrompt = '''Digit collection example,
-				Please enter three to 5 digits.
-				''',
-				soundFile = '/home/mcfletch/starpydemo/soundfiles/menutest-digits',
-				#soundFile = 'extension',
-				maxDigits = 5,
-				minDigits = 3,
-			),
-		),
-	],
+    prompt='/home/mcfletch/starpydemo/soundfiles/menutest-toplevel',
+    textPrompt='''Top level of the menu test example
+    Pressing Star will exit this menu at any time.
+    Options zero and pound will exit with those options selected.
+    Option one will start a submenu.
+    Option two will start a digit-collecting sub-menu.
+    We'll tell you if you make an invalid selection here.''',
+    options=[
+        menu.Option(option='0'),
+        menu.Option(option='#'),
+        menu.ExitOn(option='*'),
+        menu.SubMenu(
+            option='1',
+            menu=menu.Menu(
+                prompt='/home/mcfletch/starpydemo/soundfiles/menutest-secondlevel',
+                textPrompt='''A second-level menu in the menu test example
+                Pressing Star will exit this menu at any time. Options zero
+                and pound will exit the whole menu with those options selected.
+                We won't tell you if you make an invalid selection here.
+                ''',
+                tellInvalid=False,  # don't report incorrect selections
+                options=[
+                    menu.Option(option='0'),
+                    menu.Option(option='#'),
+                    menu.ExitOn(option='*'),
+                ],
+            ),
+        ),
+        menu.SubMenu(
+            option='2',
+            menu=menu.CollectDigits(
+                textPrompt='''Digit collection example,
+                Please enter three to 5 digits.
+                ''',
+                soundFile='/home/mcfletch/starpydemo/soundfiles/menutest-digits',
+                maxDigits=5,
+                minDigits=3,
+            ),
+        ),
+    ],
-class Application( utilapplication.UtilApplication ):
-	"""Application for the call duration callback mechanism"""
-	def onS( self, agi ):
-		"""Incoming AGI connection to the "s" extension (start operation)"""
-		log.info( """New call tracker""" )
-		def onComplete( result ):
-			log.info( """Final result: %r""", result )
-			agi.finish()
-		return mainMenu( agi ).addCallbacks( onComplete, onComplete )
+class Application(utilapplication.UtilApplication):
+    """Application for the call duration callback mechanism"""
+    def onS(self, agi):
+        """Incoming AGI connection to the "s" extension (start operation)"""
+        log.info("""New call tracker""")
+        def onComplete(result):
+            log.info("""Final result: %r""", result)
+            agi.finish()
+        return mainMenu(agi).addCallbacks(onComplete, onComplete)
 APPLICATION = Application()
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	logging.basicConfig()
-	log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	#manager.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	fastagi.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	menu.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	APPLICATION.handleCallsFor( 's', APPLICATION.onS )
-	APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.run( APPLICATION.dispatchIncomingCall )
-	from twisted.internet import reactor
-	reactor.run()
+    logging.basicConfig()
+    log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    # manager.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    fastagi.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    menu.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    APPLICATION.handleCallsFor('s', APPLICATION.onS)
+    APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.run(APPLICATION.dispatchIncomingCall)
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/examples/priexhaustion.py b/examples/priexhaustion.py
index 6f70cae..167f0cd 100644
--- a/examples/priexhaustion.py
+++ b/examples/priexhaustion.py
@@ -2,99 +2,104 @@
 """Sample application to watch for PRI exhaustion
 This script watches for events on the AMI interface, tracking the identity of
-open channels in order to track how many channels are being used.  This would 
-be used to send messages to an administrator when network capacity is being 
+open channels in order to track how many channels are being used.  This would
+be used to send messages to an administrator when network capacity is being
-Similarly, you could watch for spare capacity on the network and use that 
+Similarly, you could watch for spare capacity on the network and use that
 to decide whether to allow low-priority calls, such as peering framework or
 free-world-dialup calls to go through.
-from twisted.application import service, internet
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
-from starpy import manager, fastagi
+from twisted.internet import reactor
 import utilapplication
-import menu
-import os, logging, pprint, time
-from basicproperty import common, propertied, basic
+import logging
+from basicproperty import common, propertied
-log = logging.getLogger( 'priexhaustion' )
-log.setLevel( logging.INFO )
+log = logging.getLogger('priexhaustion')
-class ChannelTracker( propertied.Propertied ):
-	"""Track open channels on the Asterisk server"""
-	channels = common.DictionaryProperty(
-		"channels", """Set of open channels on the system""",
-	)
-	thresholdCount = common.IntegerProperty(
-		"thresholdCount", """Storage of threshold below which we don't warn user""",
-		defaultValue = 20,
-	)
-	def main( self ):
-		"""Main operation for the channel-tracking demo"""
-		amiDF = APPLICATION.amiSpecifier.login( 
-		).addCallback( self.onAMIConnect )
-		# XXX do something useful on failure to login...
-	def onAMIConnect( self, ami ):
-		"""Register for AMI events"""
-		# XXX should do an initial query to populate channels...
-		# XXX should handle asterisk reboots (at the moment the AMI 
-		# interface will just stop generating events), not a practical
-		# problem at the moment, but should have a periodic check to be sure
-		# the interface is still up, and if not, should close and restart
-		log.debug( 'onAMIConnect' )
-		ami.status().addCallback( self.onStatus, ami=ami )
-		ami.registerEvent( 'Hangup', self.onChannelHangup )
-		ami.registerEvent( 'Newchannel', self.onChannelNew )
-	def interestingEvent( self, event, ami=None ):
-		"""Decide whether this channel event is interesting 
-		Real-world application would want to take only Zap channels, or only
-		channels from a given context, or whatever other filter you want in 
-		order to capture *just* the scarce resource (such as PRI lines).
-		Keep in mind that an "interesting" event must show up as interesting 
-		for *both* Newchannel and Hangup events or you will leak 
-		references/channels or have unknown channels hanging up.
-		"""
-		return True
-	def onStatus( self, events, ami=None ):
-		"""Integrate the current status into our set of channels"""
-		log.debug( """Initial channel status retrieved""" )
-		for event in events:
-			self.onChannelNew( ami, event )
-	def onChannelNew( self, ami, event ):
-		"""Handle creation of a new channel"""
-		log.debug( """Start on channel %s""", event )
-		if self.interestingEvent( event, ami ):
-			opening = not self.channels.has_key( event['uniqueid'] )
-			self.channels[ event['uniqueid'] ] = event 
-			if opening:
-				self.onChannelChange( ami, event, opening = opening )
-	def onChannelHangup( self, ami, event ):
-		"""Handle hangup of an existing channel"""
-		if self.interestingEvent( event, ami ):
-			try:
-				del self.channels[ event['uniqueid']]
-			except KeyError, err:
-				log.warn( """Hangup on unknown channel %s""", event )
-			else:
-				log.debug( """Hangup on channel %s""", event )
-			self.onChannelChange( ami, event, opening = False )
-	def onChannelChange( self, ami, event, opening=False ):
-		"""Channel count has changed, do something useful like enforcing limits"""
-		if opening and len(self.channels) > self.thresholdCount:
-			log.warn( """Current channel count: %s""", len(self.channels ) )
-		else:
-			log.info( """Current channel count: %s""", len(self.channels ) )
+class ChannelTracker(propertied.Propertied):
+    """Track open channels on the Asterisk server"""
+    channels = common.DictionaryProperty(
+        "channels", """Set of open channels on the system""",
+    )
+    thresholdCount = common.IntegerProperty(
+        "thresholdCount", """Storage of threshold below which we don't warn user""",
+        defaultValue=20,
+    )
+    def main(self):
+        """Main operation for the channel-tracking demo"""
+        APPLICATION.amiSpecifier.login().addCallback(self.onAMIConnect)
+        # XXX do something useful on failure to login...
+    def onAMIConnect(self, ami):
+        """Register for AMI events"""
+        # XXX should do an initial query to populate channels...
+        # XXX should handle asterisk reboots (at the moment the AMI
+        # interface will just stop generating events), not a practical
+        # problem at the moment, but should have a periodic check to be sure
+        # the interface is still up, and if not, should close and restart
+        log.debug('onAMIConnect')
+        ami.status().addCallback(self.onStatus, ami=ami)
+        ami.registerEvent('Hangup', self.onChannelHangup)
+        ami.registerEvent('Newchannel', self.onChannelNew)
+    def interestingEvent(self, event, ami=None):
+        """Decide whether this channel event is interesting
+        Real-world application would want to take only Zap channels, or only
+        channels from a given context, or whatever other filter you want in
+        order to capture *just* the scarce resource (such as PRI lines).
+        Keep in mind that an "interesting" event must show up as interesting
+        for *both* Newchannel and Hangup events or you will leak
+        references/channels or have unknown channels hanging up.
+        """
+        return True
+    def onStatus(self, events, ami=None):
+        """Integrate the current status into our set of channels"""
+        log.debug("""Initial channel status retrieved""")
+        for event in events:
+            self.onChannelNew(ami, event)
+    def onChannelNew(self, ami, event):
+        """Handle creation of a new channel"""
+        log.debug("""Start on channel %s""", event)
+        if self.interestingEvent(event, ami):
+            opening = event['uniqueid'] not in self.channels
+            self.channels[event['uniqueid']] = event
+            if opening:
+                self.onChannelChange(ami, event, opening=opening)
+    def onChannelHangup(self, ami, event):
+        """Handle hangup of an existing channel"""
+        if self.interestingEvent(event, ami):
+            try:
+                del self.channels[event['uniqueid']]
+            except KeyError as err:
+                log.warn("""Hangup on unknown channel %s""", event)
+            else:
+                log.debug("""Hangup on channel %s""", event)
+            self.onChannelChange(ami, event, opening=False)
+    def onChannelChange(self, ami, event, opening=False):
+        """Channel count has changed, do something useful like enforcing limits"""
+        if opening and len(self.channels) > self.thresholdCount:
+            log.warn("""Current channel count: %s""", len(self.channels))
+        else:
+            log.info("""Current channel count: %s""", len(self.channels))
 APPLICATION = utilapplication.UtilApplication()
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	logging.basicConfig()
-	#log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	#manager.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	#fastagi.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	tracker = ChannelTracker()
-	reactor.callWhenRunning( tracker.main )
-	reactor.run()
+    logging.basicConfig()
+    # log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    # manager.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    # fastagi.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    tracker = ChannelTracker()
+    reactor.callWhenRunning(tracker.main)
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/examples/priexhaustionbare.py b/examples/priexhaustionbare.py
index 4e0290b..450bf02 100644
--- a/examples/priexhaustionbare.py
+++ b/examples/priexhaustionbare.py
@@ -1,64 +1,69 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
-from twisted.application import service, internet
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
-from starpy import manager, fastagi
+from twisted.internet import reactor
 import utilapplication
-import menu
-import os, logging, pprint, time
-from basicproperty import common, propertied, basic
+import logging
+from basicproperty import common, propertied
-log = logging.getLogger( 'priexhaustion' )
-log.setLevel( logging.INFO )
+log = logging.getLogger('priexhaustion')
-class ChannelTracker( propertied.Propertied ):
-	"""Track open channels on the Asterisk server"""
-	channels = common.DictionaryProperty(
-		"channels", """Set of open channels on the system""",
-	)
-	thresholdCount = common.IntegerProperty(
-		"thresholdCount", """Storage of threshold below which we don't warn user""",
-		defaultValue = 20,
-	)
-	def main( self ):
-		"""Main operation for the channel-tracking demo"""
-		amiDF = APPLICATION.amiSpecifier.login( 
-		).addCallback( self.onAMIConnect )
-	def onAMIConnect( self, ami ):
-		ami.status().addCallback( self.onStatus, ami=ami )
-		ami.registerEvent( 'Hangup', self.onChannelHangup )
-		ami.registerEvent( 'Newchannel', self.onChannelNew )
-	def onStatus( self, events, ami=None ):
-		"""Integrate the current status into our set of channels"""
-		log.debug( """Initial channel status retrieved""" )
-		for event in events:
-			self.onChannelNew( ami, event )
-	def onChannelNew( self, ami, event ):
-		"""Handle creation of a new channel"""
-		log.debug( """Start on channel %s""", event )
-		opening = not self.channels.has_key( event['uniqueid'] )
-		self.channels[ event['uniqueid'] ] = event 
-		if opening:
-			self.onChannelChange( ami, event, opening = opening )
-	def onChannelHangup( self, ami, event ):
-		"""Handle hangup of an existing channel"""
-		try:
-			del self.channels[ event['uniqueid']]
-		except KeyError, err:
-			log.warn( """Hangup on unknown channel %s""", event )
-		else:
-			log.debug( """Hangup on channel %s""", event )
-		self.onChannelChange( ami, event, opening = False )
-	def onChannelChange( self, ami, event, opening=False ):
-		"""Channel count has changed, do something useful like enforcing limits"""
-		if opening and len(self.channels) > self.thresholdCount:
-			log.warn( """Current channel count: %s""", len(self.channels ) )
-		else:
-			log.info( """Current channel count: %s""", len(self.channels ) )
+class ChannelTracker(propertied.Propertied):
+    """Track open channels on the Asterisk server"""
+    channels = common.DictionaryProperty(
+        "channels", """Set of open channels on the system""",
+    )
+    thresholdCount = common.IntegerProperty(
+        "thresholdCount", """Storage of threshold below which we don't warn user""",
+        defaultValue=20,
+    )
+    def main(self):
+        """Main operation for the channel-tracking demo"""
+        APPLICATION.amiSpecifier.login().addCallback(self.onAMIConnect)
+    def onAMIConnect(self, ami):
+        ami.status().addCallback(self.onStatus, ami=ami)
+        ami.registerEvent('Hangup', self.onChannelHangup)
+        ami.registerEvent('Newchannel', self.onChannelNew)
+    def onStatus(self, events, ami=None):
+        """Integrate the current status into our set of channels"""
+        log.debug("""Initial channel status retrieved""")
+        for event in events:
+            self.onChannelNew(ami, event)
+    def onChannelNew(self, ami, event):
+        """Handle creation of a new channel"""
+        log.debug("""Start on channel %s""", event)
+        opening = event['uniqueid'] not in self.channels
+        self.channels[event['uniqueid']] = event
+        if opening:
+            self.onChannelChange(ami, event, opening=opening)
+    def onChannelHangup(self, ami, event):
+        """Handle hangup of an existing channel"""
+        try:
+            del self.channels[event['uniqueid']]
+        except KeyError as err:
+            log.warn("""Hangup on unknown channel %s""", event)
+        else:
+            log.debug("""Hangup on channel %s""", event)
+        self.onChannelChange(ami, event, opening=False)
+    def onChannelChange(self, ami, event, opening=False):
+        """Channel count has changed, do something useful like enforcing limits"""
+        if opening and len(self.channels) > self.thresholdCount:
+            log.warn("""Current channel count: %s""", len(self.channels))
+        else:
+            log.info("""Current channel count: %s""", len(self.channels))
 APPLICATION = utilapplication.UtilApplication()
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	logging.basicConfig()
-	tracker = ChannelTracker()
-	reactor.callWhenRunning( tracker.main )
-	reactor.run()
+    logging.basicConfig()
+    tracker = ChannelTracker()
+    reactor.callWhenRunning(tracker.main)
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/examples/readingdigits.py b/examples/readingdigits.py
index 093f1be..5f2895b 100644
--- a/examples/readingdigits.py
+++ b/examples/readingdigits.py
@@ -1,60 +1,70 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
 """Read digits from the user in various ways..."""
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
-from starpy import fastagi, error
-import logging, time
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from starpy import fastagi
+import logging
-log = logging.getLogger( 'hellofastagi' )
+log = logging.getLogger('hellofastagi')
-class DialPlan( object ):
-	"""Stupid little application to report how many times it's been accessed"""
-	def __init__( self ):
-		self.count = 0
-	def __call__( self, agi ):
-		"""Store the AGI instance for later usage, kick off our operations"""
-		self.agi = agi 
-		return self.start()
-	def start( self ):
-		"""Begin the dial-plan-like operations"""
-		return self.agi.answer().addCallbacks( self.onAnswered, self.answerFailure )
-	def answerFailure( self, reason ):
-		"""Deal with a failure to answer"""
-		log.warn( 
-			"""Unable to answer channel %r: %s""", 
-			self.agi.variables['agi_channel'], reason.getTraceback(),
-		)
-		self.agi.finish()
-	def onAnswered( self, resultLine ):
-		"""We've managed to answer the channel, yay!"""
-		self.count += 1
-		return self.agi.wait( 2.0 ).addCallback( self.onWaited )
-	def onWaited( self, result ):
-		"""We've finished waiting, tell the user the number"""
-		return self.agi.sayNumber( self.count, '*' ).addErrback(
-			self.onNumberFailed,
-		).addCallbacks(
-			self.onFinished, self.onFinished,
-		)
-	def onFinished( self, resultLine ):
-		"""We said the number correctly, hang up on the user"""
-		return self.agi.finish()
-	def onNumberFailed( self, reason ):
-		"""We were unable to read the number to the user"""
-		log.warn( 
-			"""Unable to read number to user on channel %r: %s""",
-			self.agi.variables['agi_channel'], reason.getTraceback(),
-		)
-	def onHangupFailure( self, reason ):
-		"""Failed trying to hang up"""
-		log.warn( 
-			"""Unable to hang up channel %r: %s""", 
-			self.agi.variables['agi_channel'], reason.getTraceback(),
-		)
+class DialPlan(object):
+    """Stupid little application to report how many times it's been accessed"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.count = 0
+    def __call__(self, agi):
+        """Store the AGI instance for later usage, kick off our operations"""
+        self.agi = agi
+        return self.start()
+    def start(self):
+        """Begin the dial-plan-like operations"""
+        return self.agi.answer().addCallbacks(self.onAnswered, self.answerFailure)
+    def answerFailure(self, reason):
+        """Deal with a failure to answer"""
+        log.warn(
+            """Unable to answer channel %r: %s""",
+            self.agi.variables['agi_channel'], reason.getTraceback(),
+        )
+        self.agi.finish()
+    def onAnswered(self, resultLine):
+        """We've managed to answer the channel, yay!"""
+        self.count += 1
+        return self.agi.wait(2.0).addCallback(self.onWaited)
+    def onWaited(self, result):
+        """We've finished waiting, tell the user the number"""
+        return self.agi.sayNumber(self.count, '*').addErrback(
+            self.onNumberFailed,
+        ).addCallbacks(
+            self.onFinished, self.onFinished,
+        )
+    def onFinished(self, resultLine):
+        """We said the number correctly, hang up on the user"""
+        return self.agi.finish()
+    def onNumberFailed(self, reason):
+        """We were unable to read the number to the user"""
+        log.warn(
+            """Unable to read number to user on channel %r: %s""",
+            self.agi.variables['agi_channel'], reason.getTraceback(),
+        )
+    def onHangupFailure(self, reason):
+        """Failed trying to hang up"""
+        log.warn(
+            """Unable to hang up channel %r: %s""",
+            self.agi.variables['agi_channel'], reason.getTraceback(),
+        )
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	logging.basicConfig()
-	fastagi.log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
-	f = fastagi.FastAGIFactory(DialPlan())
-	reactor.listenTCP(4573, f, 50, '') # only binding on local interface
-	reactor.run()
+    logging.basicConfig()
+    fastagi.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    f = fastagi.FastAGIFactory(DialPlan())
+    reactor.listenTCP(4573, f, 50, '')  # only binding on local interface
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/examples/timestamp.py b/examples/timestamp.py
index e66e832..1793d6b 100644
--- a/examples/timestamp.py
+++ b/examples/timestamp.py
@@ -2,44 +2,52 @@
 """Provide a trivial date-and-time service"""
 from twisted.internet import reactor
 from starpy import fastagi
-import logging, time
+import logging
+import time
-log = logging.getLogger( 'dateandtime' )
+log = logging.getLogger('dateandtime')
-def testFunction( agi ):
-	"""Give time for some time a bit in the future"""
-	log.debug( 'testFunction' )
-	df = agi.streamFile( 'at-tone-time-exactly' )
-	def onFailed( reason ):
-		log.error( "Failure: %s", reason.getTraceback())
-		return None
-	def cleanup( result ):
-		agi.finish()
-		return result
-	def onSaid( resultLine ):
-		"""Having introduced, actually read the time"""
-		t = time.time()
-		t2 = t+20.0
-		df = agi.sayDateTime( t2, format='HM' )
-		def onDateFinished( resultLine ):
-			# now need to sleep until .5 seconds before the time 
-			df = agi.wait( t2-.5-time.time() )
-			def onDoBeep( result ):
-				df = agi.streamFile( 'beep' )
-				return df
-			return df.addCallback( onDoBeep )
-		return df.addCallback( onDateFinished )
-	return df.addCallback( 
-		onSaid 
-	).addErrback( 
-		onFailed 
-	).addCallbacks(
-		cleanup, cleanup,
-	)
+def testFunction(agi):
+    """Give time for some time a bit in the future"""
+    log.debug('testFunction')
+    df = agi.streamFile('at-tone-time-exactly')
+    def onFailed(reason):
+        log.error("Failure: %s", reason.getTraceback())
+        return None
+    def cleanup(result):
+        agi.finish()
+        return result
+    def onSaid(resultLine):
+        """Having introduced, actually read the time"""
+        t = time.time()
+        t2 = t+20.0
+        df = agi.sayDateTime(t2, format='HM')
+        def onDateFinished(resultLine):
+            # now need to sleep until .5 seconds before the time
+            df = agi.wait(t2-.5-time.time())
+            def onDoBeep(result):
+                df = agi.streamFile('beep')
+                return df
+            return df.addCallback(onDoBeep)
+        return df.addCallback(onDateFinished)
+    return df.addCallback(
+        onSaid
+    ).addErrback(
+        onFailed
+    ).addCallbacks(
+        cleanup, cleanup,
+    )
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	logging.basicConfig()
-	fastagi.log.setLevel( logging.INFO )
-	f = fastagi.FastAGIFactory(testFunction)
-	reactor.listenTCP(4574, f, 50, '') # only binding on local interface
-	reactor.run()
+    logging.basicConfig()
+    fastagi.log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+    f = fastagi.FastAGIFactory(testFunction)
+    reactor.listenTCP(4574, f, 50, '')  # only binding on local interface
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/examples/timestampapp.py b/examples/timestampapp.py
index 0585155..dba94b6 100644
--- a/examples/timestampapp.py
+++ b/examples/timestampapp.py
@@ -3,46 +3,55 @@
 from twisted.internet import reactor
 from starpy import fastagi
 import utilapplication
-import logging, time
+import logging
+import time
-log = logging.getLogger( 'dateandtime' )
+log = logging.getLogger('dateandtime')
-def testFunction( agi ):
-	"""Give time for some time a bit in the future"""
-	log.debug( 'testFunction' )
-	df = agi.streamFile( 'at-tone-time-exactly' )
-	def onFailed( reason ):
-		log.error( "Failure: %s", reason.getTraceback())
-		return None
-	def cleanup( result ):
-		agi.finish()
-		return result
-	def onSaid( resultLine ):
-		"""Having introduced, actually read the time"""
-		t = time.time()
-		t2 = t+7.0
-		df = agi.sayDateTime( t2, format='HMS' )
-		def onDateFinished( resultLine ):
-			# now need to sleep until .05 seconds before the time 
-			df = agi.wait( t2-.05-time.time() )
-			def onDoBeep( result ):
-				df = agi.streamFile( 'beep' )
-				return df
-			def waitTwo( result ):
-				return agi.streamFile( 'thank-you-for-calling' )
-			return df.addCallback( onDoBeep ).addCallback( waitTwo )
-		return df.addCallback( onDateFinished )
-	return df.addCallback( 
-		onSaid 
-	).addErrback( 
-		onFailed 
-	).addCallbacks(
-		cleanup, cleanup,
-	)
+def testFunction(agi):
+    """Give time for some time a bit in the future"""
+    log.debug('testFunction')
+    df = agi.streamFile('at-tone-time-exactly')
+    def onFailed(reason):
+        log.error("Failure: %s", reason.getTraceback())
+        return None
+    def cleanup(result):
+        agi.finish()
+        return result
+    def onSaid(resultLine):
+        """Having introduced, actually read the time"""
+        t = time.time()
+        t2 = t+7.0
+        df = agi.sayDateTime(t2, format='HMS')
+        def onDateFinished(resultLine):
+            # now need to sleep until .05 seconds before the time
+            df = agi.wait(t2-.05-time.time())
+            def onDoBeep(result):
+                df = agi.streamFile('beep')
+                return df
+            def waitTwo(result):
+                return agi.streamFile('thank-you-for-calling')
+            return df.addCallback(onDoBeep).addCallback(waitTwo)
+        return df.addCallback(onDateFinished)
+    return df.addCallback(
+        onSaid
+    ).addErrback(
+        onFailed
+    ).addCallbacks(
+        cleanup, cleanup,
+    )
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	logging.basicConfig()
-	fastagi.log.setLevel( logging.INFO )
-	APPLICATION = utilapplication.UtilApplication()
-	reactor.callWhenRunning( APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.run, testFunction )
-	reactor.run()
+    logging.basicConfig()
+    fastagi.log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+    APPLICATION = utilapplication.UtilApplication()
+    reactor.callWhenRunning(APPLICATION.agiSpecifier.run, testFunction)
+    reactor.run()
diff --git a/examples/utilapplication.py b/examples/utilapplication.py
index 0e51901..e7fc6ed 100644
--- a/examples/utilapplication.py
+++ b/examples/utilapplication.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # StarPy -- Asterisk Protocols for Twisted
 # Copyright (c) 2006, Michael C. Fletcher
 # Michael C. Fletcher <mcfletch at vrplumber.com>
@@ -15,15 +15,17 @@
 # details.
 """Class providing utility applications with common support code"""
-from basicproperty import common, propertied, basic, weak
+from basicproperty import common, propertied, basic
 from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
 from starpy import fastagi, manager
 from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
-import logging,os
+import logging
+import os
-log = logging.getLogger( 'app' )
+log = logging.getLogger('app')
-class UtilApplication( propertied.Propertied ):
+class UtilApplication(propertied.Propertied):
     """Utility class providing simple application-level operations
     FastAGI entry points are waitForCallOn and handleCallsFor, which allow
@@ -32,82 +34,93 @@
     (as specified in self.configFiles).
     amiSpecifier = basic.BasicProperty(
-        "amiSpecifier", """AMI connection specifier for the application see AMISpecifier""",
-        defaultFunction = lambda prop,client: AMISpecifier()
+        "amiSpecifier",
+        """AMI connection specifier for the application see AMISpecifier""",
+        defaultFunction=lambda prop, client: AMISpecifier()
     agiSpecifier = basic.BasicProperty(
-        "agiSpecifier", """FastAGI server specifier for the application see AGISpecifier""",
-        defaultFunction = lambda prop,client: AGISpecifier()
+        "agiSpecifier",
+        """FastAGI server specifier for the application see AGISpecifier""",
+        defaultFunction=lambda prop, client: AGISpecifier()
     extensionWaiters = common.DictionaryProperty(
         "extensionWaiters", """Set of deferreds waiting for incoming extensions""",
     extensionHandlers = common.DictionaryProperty(
-        "extensionHandlers", """Set of permanant callbacks waiting for incoming extensions""",
+        "extensionHandlers",
+        """Set of permanant callbacks waiting for incoming extensions""",
-    configFiles = configFiles=('starpy.conf','~/.starpy.conf')
-    def __init__( self ):
+    configFiles = ('starpy.conf', '~/.starpy.conf')
+    def __init__(self):
         """Initialise the application from options in configFile"""
-    def loadConfigurations( self ):
-        parser = self._loadConfigFiles( self.configFiles )
-        self._copyPropertiesFrom( parser, 'AMI', self.amiSpecifier )
-        self._copyPropertiesFrom( parser, 'FastAGI', self.agiSpecifier )
+    def loadConfigurations(self):
+        parser = self._loadConfigFiles(self.configFiles)
+        self._copyPropertiesFrom(parser, 'AMI', self.amiSpecifier)
+        self._copyPropertiesFrom(parser, 'FastAGI', self.agiSpecifier)
         return parser
-    def _loadConfigFiles( self, configFiles ):
+    def _loadConfigFiles(self, configFiles):
         """Load options from configuration files given (if present)"""
-        parser = ConfigParser( )
+        parser = ConfigParser()
         filenames = [
-            os.path.abspath( os.path.expandvars( os.path.expanduser( file ) ))
+            os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(file)))
             for file in configFiles
-        log.info( "Possible configuration files:\n\t%s", "\n\t".join(filenames) or None)
+        log.info("Possible configuration files:\n\t%s", "\n\t".join(filenames) or None)
         filenames = [
             file for file in filenames
             if os.path.isfile(file)
-        log.info( "Actual configuration files:\n\t%s", "\n\t".join(filenames) or None)
-        parser.read( filenames )
+        log.info("Actual configuration files:\n\t%s", "\n\t".join(filenames) or None)
+        parser.read(filenames)
         return parser
-    def _copyPropertiesFrom( self, parser, section, client, properties=None ):
+    def _copyPropertiesFrom(self, parser, section, client, properties=None):
         """Copy properties from the config-parser's given section into client"""
         if properties is None:
             properties = client.getProperties()
         for property in properties:
-            if parser.has_option( section, property.name ):
+            if parser.has_option(section, property.name):
-                    value = parser.get( section, property.name )
-                    setattr( client, property.name, value )
-                except (TypeError,ValueError,AttributeError,NameError), err:
-                    log( """Unable to set property %r of %r to config-file value %r: %s"""%(
-                        property.name, client, parser.get( section, property.name, 1), err,
+                    value = parser.get(section, property.name)
+                    setattr(client, property.name, value)
+                except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError, NameError) as err:
+                    log('Unable to set property %r of %r to config-file value %r: %s' % (
+                        property.name, client, parser.get(section, property.name, 1), err,
         return client
-    def dispatchIncomingCall( self, agi ):
+    def dispatchIncomingCall(self, agi):
         """Handle an incoming call (dispatch to the appropriate registered handler)"""
         extension = agi.variables['agi_extension']
-        log.info( """AGI connection with extension: %r""",  extension )
+        log.info("""AGI connection with extension: %r""", extension)
-            df = self.extensionWaiters.pop( extension )
-        except KeyError, err:
+            df = self.extensionWaiters.pop(extension)
+        except KeyError as err:
-                callback = self.extensionHandlers[ extension ]
-            except KeyError, err:
+                callback = self.extensionHandlers[extension]
+            except KeyError as err:
-                    callback = self.extensionHandlers[ None ]
-                except KeyError, err:
-                    log.warn( """Unexpected connection to extension %r: %s""", extension, agi.variables )
+                    callback = self.extensionHandlers[None]
+                except KeyError as err:
+                    log.warn("""Unexpected connection to extension %r: %s""",
+                             extension, agi.variables)
-                return callback( agi )
-            except Exception, err:
-                log.error( """Failure during callback %s for agi %s: %s""", callback, agi.variables, err )
+                return callback(agi)
+            except Exception as err:
+                log.error("""Failure during callback %s for agi %s: %s""",
+                          callback, agi.variables, err)
                 # XXX return a -1 here
             if not df.called:
-                df.callback( agi )
-    def waitForCallOn( self, extension, timeout=15 ):
+                df.callback(agi)
+    def waitForCallOn(self, extension, timeout=15):
         """Wait for an AGI call on extension given
         extension -- string extension for which to wait
@@ -122,17 +135,19 @@
         returns deferred returning connected FastAGIProtocol or an error
         extension = str(extension)
-        log.info( 'Waiting for extension %r for %s seconds', extension, timeout )
-        df = defer.Deferred( )
-        self.extensionWaiters[ extension ] = df
-        def onTimeout( ):
+        log.info('Waiting for extension %r for %s seconds', extension, timeout)
+        df = defer.Deferred()
+        self.extensionWaiters[extension] = df
+        def onTimeout():
             if not df.called:
-                df.errback( defer.TimeoutError(
-                    """Timeout waiting for call on extension: %r"""%(extension,)
+                df.errback(defer.TimeoutError(
+                    """Timeout waiting for call on extension: %r""" % (extension,)
-        reactor.callLater( timeout, onTimeout )
+        reactor.callLater(timeout, onTimeout)
         return df
-    def handleCallsFor( self, extension, callback ):
+    def handleCallsFor(self, extension, callback):
         """Register permanant handler for given extension
         extension -- string extension for which to wait or None to define
@@ -150,9 +165,10 @@
         if extension is not None:
             extension = str(extension)
-        self.extensionHandlers[ extension ] = callback
+        self.extensionHandlers[extension] = callback
-class AMISpecifier( propertied.Propertied ):
+class AMISpecifier(propertied.Propertied):
     """Manager interface setup/specifier"""
     username = common.StringLocaleProperty(
         "username", """Login username for the manager interface""",
@@ -163,36 +179,39 @@
     password = secret
     server = common.StringLocaleProperty(
         "server", """Server IP address to which to connect""",
-        defaultValue = '',
+        defaultValue='',
     port = common.IntegerProperty(
         "port", """Server IP port to which to connect""",
-        defaultValue = 5038,
+        defaultValue=5038,
     timeout = common.FloatProperty(
         "timeout", """Timeout in seconds for an AMI connection timeout""",
-        defaultValue = 5.0,
+        defaultValue=5.0,
-    def login( self ):
+    def login(self):
         """Login to the specified manager via the AMI"""
         theManager = manager.AMIFactory(self.username, self.secret)
         return theManager.login(self.server, self.port, timeout=self.timeout)
-class AGISpecifier( propertied.Propertied ):
+class AGISpecifier(propertied.Propertied):
     """Specifier of where we send the user to connect to our AGI"""
     port = common.IntegerProperty(
         "port", """IP port on which to listen""",
-        defaultValue = 4573,
+        defaultValue=4573,
     interface = common.StringLocaleProperty(
         "interface", """IP interface on which to listen (local only by default)""",
-        defaultValue = '',
+        defaultValue='',
     context = common.StringLocaleProperty(
         "context", """Asterisk context to which to connect incoming calls""",
-        defaultValue = 'survey',
+        defaultValue='survey',
-    def run( self, mainFunction ):
+    def run(self, mainFunction):
         """Start up the AGI server with the given mainFunction"""
         f = fastagi.FastAGIFactory(mainFunction)
         return reactor.listenTCP(self.port, f, 50, self.interface)
diff --git a/starpy/fastagi.py b/starpy/fastagi.py
index 7e26284..85de054 100644
--- a/starpy/fastagi.py
+++ b/starpy/fastagi.py
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, defer
 from twisted.internet import error as tw_error
 from twisted.protocols import basic
-import socket
 import logging
 import time
 from starpy import error
@@ -236,9 +235,10 @@
                 if endpos == skipMS:
                     # "likely" an error according to the wiki,
                     # we'll raise an error...
-                    raise error.AGICommandFailure(FAILURE_CODE,
-                                "End position %s == original position, "
-                                "result code %s" % (endpos, digit))
+                    raise error.AGICommandFailure(
+                        FAILURE_CODE,
+                        "End position %s == original position, "
+                        "result code %s" % (endpos, digit))
                 return digit, endpos
         raise ValueError("Unexpected result on streaming completion: %r" %
@@ -267,8 +267,8 @@
         sequence = InSequence()
         sequence.append(self.setContext, self.variables['agi_context'])
         sequence.append(self.setExtension, self.variables['agi_extension'])
-        sequence.append(self.setPriority, int(self.variables['agi_priority'])
-                                              + difference)
+        sequence.append(self.setPriority,
+                        int(self.variables['agi_priority']) + difference)
         return sequence()
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
         parts = resultLine.split(' ', 1)
         result = int(parts[0])
-        endpos = None # Default if endpos isn't specified
+        endpos = None  # Default if endpos isn't specified
         if len(parts) == 2:
             endposStuff = parts[1].strip()
             if endposStuff.startswith('endpos='):
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
         command = 'DATABASE DELTREE "%s"' % (family,)
         if keyTree:
-            command += ' "%s"' % (keytree,)
+            command += ' "%s"' % (keyTree,)
         return self.sendCommand(command).addCallback(
             self.checkFailure, failure='0',
@@ -629,8 +629,7 @@
     def recordFile(
             self, filename, format, escapeDigits, timeout=-1,
-            offsetSamples=None, beep=True, silence=None,
-        ):
+            offsetSamples=None, beep=True, silence=None,):
         """Record channel to given filename until escapeDigits or silence
         filename -- filename on the server to which to save
diff --git a/starpy/manager.py b/starpy/manager.py
index 6876f74..7adac62 100644
--- a/starpy/manager.py
+++ b/starpy/manager.py
@@ -46,11 +46,13 @@
     """A subclass of defer.Deferred that adds a registerError method
     to handle function callback when an Error response happens"""
     _errorRespCallback = None
-    def registerError(self, function ):
+    def registerError(self, function):
         """Add function for Error response callback"""
         self._errorRespCallback = function
         log.debug('Registering function %s to handle Error response'
                   % (function))
 class AMIProtocol(basic.LineOnlyReceiver):
     """Protocol for the interfacing with the Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI)
@@ -239,10 +241,10 @@
             if line:
                 if line.endswith(self.END_DATA):
                     # multi-line command results...
-                    message.setdefault(' ', []).extend([
-                        l for l in line.split('\n')
-                                if (l and l != self.END_DATA)
-                    ])
+                    message.setdefault(' ', []).extend(
+                        [l for l in line.split('\n')
+                            if (l and l != self.END_DATA)]
+                    )
                     # regular line...
                     if line.startswith(self.VERSION_PREFIX):
@@ -319,8 +321,9 @@
     def checkErrorResponse(self, result, actionid, df):
         """Check for error response and callback"""
-        self.cleanup( result, actionid)
-        if isinstance(result, dict) and result.get('response') == 'Error' and df._errorRespCallback:
+        self.cleanup(result, actionid)
+        if isinstance(result, dict) and result.get('response') == 'Error' \
+                and df._errorRespCallback:
         return result
@@ -398,7 +401,7 @@
             raise error.AMICommandFailure(message)
         return message
-    ## End-user API
+    # End-user API
     def absoluteTimeout(self, channel, timeout):
         """Set timeout value for the given channel (in seconds)"""
         message = {
@@ -461,10 +464,9 @@
     def action(self, action, **action_args):
         """Sends an arbitrary action to the AMI"""
-        #action_args will be ar least an empty dict so we build the message from it.
+        # action_args will be at least an empty dict so we build the message from it.
         action_args['action'] = action
         return self.sendDeferred(action_args).addCallback(self.errorUnlessResponse)
     def dbDel(self, family, key):
         """Delete key value in the AstDB database"""
@@ -493,7 +495,8 @@
             value = event['val']
             self.deregisterEvent("DBGetResponse", extractValue)
             return df.callback(value)
-        def errorResponse( message ):
+        def errorResponse(message):
             self.deregisterEvent("DBGetResponse", extractValue)
             return df.callback(None)
         message = {
@@ -612,14 +615,16 @@
     def loginChallengeResponse(self):
         """Log into the AMI interface with challenge-response.
-        Follows the same approach as self.login() using factory.username and factory.secret.
-        Also done automatically on connection: will be called instead of self.login() if
-        factory.plaintext_login is False: see AMIFactory constructor.
+        Follows the same approach as self.login() using factory.username and
+        factory.secret.  Also done automatically on connection: will be called
+        instead of self.login() if factory.plaintext_login is False: see
+        AMIFactory constructor.
         def sendResponse(challenge):
-            if not type(challenge) is dict or not 'challenge' in challenge:
+            if not type(challenge) is dict or 'challenge' not in challenge:
                 raise error.AMICommandFailure(challenge)
-            key_value = md5('%s%s' % (challenge['challenge'], self.factory.secret)).hexdigest()
+            key_value = md5('%s%s' % (challenge['challenge'], self.factory.secret)) \
+                .hexdigest()
             return self.sendDeferred({
                 'action': 'Login',
                 'authtype': 'MD5',
@@ -712,8 +717,7 @@
             self, channel, context=None, exten=None, priority=None,
             timeout=None, callerid=None, account=None, application=None,
             data=None, variable={}, async=False, channelid=None,
-			otherchannelid=None
-        ):
+            otherchannelid=None):
         """Originate call to connect channel to given context/exten/priority
         channel -- the outgoing channel to which will be dialed
@@ -886,7 +890,7 @@
         message = {
             'action': 'queues'
-        #return self.collectDeferred(message, 'QueueStatusEnd')
+        # return self.collectDeferred(message, 'QueueStatusEnd')
         return self.sendDeferred(message).addCallback(self.errorUnlessResponse)
     def queueStatus(self, queue=None, member=None):
@@ -1101,7 +1105,8 @@
     protocol = AMIProtocol
-    def __init__(self, username, secret, id=None, plaintext_login=True, on_reconnect=None):
+    def __init__(self, username, secret, id=None, plaintext_login=True,
+                 on_reconnect=None):
         self.username = username
         self.secret = secret
         self.id = id
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index a6c1ede..dd04c12 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 envlist = py26,py27,py32,py33,py34,p35,pep8
 deps = -r{toxinidir}/tools/pip-requires

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